Update Evergreen Content: Evergreen content is the act of keeping timeless topics relevant and pushing older content to the top of the search engines by updating it. Subjects like the average cost of funeral expenses or Part B premiums should be updated year - to - year to reflect any changes, thereby giving old content a boost in the eyes of the search engines. Instead of creating a new post, try updating an old one first.
I hope you found all of this to be helpful. Learning affiliate marketing for free is actually easy to do. There are lots of people teaching affiliate marketing for free. The problem is learning from the right people and knowing who the right people are. The above information should help show you that you really can learn from successful affiliate marketers at no charge. Those videos in your free account speak for themselves.
I hope you found all of this to be helpful. Learning affiliate marketing for free is actually easy to do. There are lots of people teaching affiliate marketing for free. The problem is learning from the right people and knowing who the right people are. The above information should help show you that you really can learn from successful affiliate marketers at no charge. Those videos in your free account speak for themselves.
As you can see, you can have both a personal and a business page on each of these channels. Before you get overwhelmed and start worrying about all the work involved in maintaining a presence on all these channels, think about the big picture benefits of establishing your presence online. Not only does each channel build your personal syndication network, giving you more communities where you can share your content and connect with others, but each channel also gives you an additional backlink that will show up in the Google search results for your company’s name. So, when senior leads see your phone number show up on their caller ID and Google it, they’re going to see all the social media channels you’re on, instead of seeing a generic phone number look - up site where consumers complain about strange calls from unknown callers who don’t have a website, let alone a Facebook page. Each channel builds your online presence, which builds your online brand reputation in the eyes of prospects and clients who are looking to see how legitimate you really are.
Almost everyone joins their Network Marketing company thinking that success will come a lot easier than it actually does. You were likely led to believe that all you have to do is introduce your opportunity to a few friends, who would then recruit a few of their friends, and the cycle would continue until you’re making thousands of dollars every week.
Write for the Newspaper: Identify your local or service area publications and offer to write about insurance topics whenever their editorial calendars have an opening. In your introduction, illustrate what makes you an expert with authority to write about specific subjects, and include writing samples from your blog, if possible. The editors might not take you up on your offer right away, but at least you’re positioning yourself to be an excellent resource on this topic, and down the road they can refer you to a reporter or writer looking for sources.
Leads should come in the form of people that are likely to work with you. When you get leads for free, they may not be targeted. That’s okay though, you can target these people yourself, and it’s free to do if you’re willing to put some time into learning marketing. Don’t just get a logo slapped together and act like you’re an awesome company with all kinds of things you don’t really have in place. However, you can work with leads that you target by learning to make a splash in places like review websites and other places people read more about companies.
Start Using Pics in Tweets: Pictures say a thousand words, and those thousand words can ensnare more people’s attention and entice them to your blog faster than anything you can write within 140 characters. Pictures directly appeal to emotions, the activating catalysts in the consumer thought process, whereas words have to bypass the rational area of the brain to be processed.
If you’ve ever looked at your site analytics and yelled “what do you want from me?” you’re not alone. That’s why Inspectlet lets you analyze user activity via eye-tracking heat maps, screen capture, and user interaction analytics. You’ll be able to watch how users interact with your site and figure out where they may get confused. And then get to work fixing those areas.
There’s a popular saying among affiliate marketers and that saying is “content is king.” Content is truly the lifeblood of any affiliate marketing business. So far, everything you have had to learn has actually been relatively easy. Learning how the affiliate marketing industry works is easy to understand once it’s explained to you. Doing market research is easy if you know what to look for. Creating a website is SUPER easy. Writing hundreds of pages of content? Not so easy.
Don’t forget the CTA: Every message should contain a call to action, a motivating message that prompts people to take action and perform a specific action. Every interaction should have a CTA, even if it’s: “wait for my holiday card” or “I look forward to talking to you next year during AEP when we can compare your options again.” Adding a CTA means you are in charge of the prospecting client relationship.
Unfortunately, quality of backlinks must be considered besides quantity. The harder it is to get the link, the higher the amount of traffic a site has, and the more relevant the site is to yours are some of the factors that determine what a quality backlink looks like. So, buying backlinks from Fiverr by the hundreds or thousands won’t cut it anymore. Acing SEO today requires a multi - faceted approach where you’re thoughtfully researching, writing, and promoting effective content with a keen understanding of how to use carefully selected keywords in the context of the latest search engine algorithms. Every time those algorithms shift, so must your SEO strategy.

Prospect Small Businesses: If you offer employee benefits or if you’re looking to sell insurance to small business owners, consider going B2B to prospect small businesses. Simply walking into a storefront and asking to meet the owner to shake their hand and introduce yourself only takes 5 minutes. The goal is to meet business owners, ask them a couple of questions pertaining to what you offer, and ask if it makes sense for you to circle back later to explore that in more detail. At the very least, you should pick up their business card and get an email address you can drip market to.
Leverage Your Contacts: If you’re serious about this business, then everyone should know it. The best way to start building a network of people who know you’re the guy to call about insurance is by updating everyone you know about what types of insurance you specialize in, and by offering to be a resource for them and their friends. By staying top of mind in your network, you increase the chances of people remembering you when they (or someone they know) needs help with an insurance matter.
Team Up with Real Estate Agents or Mortgage Brokers: Life insurance agents can help realtors and mortgage brokers save their clients quite a bit of money on mortgage protection life insurance, especially considering the pile of offers that homeowners receive after buying a house. By explaining the premium variance options available for the same life insurance benefit, an insurance agent can help realtors and mortgage brokers serve clients beyond the sale.
HelloBar easily helps to send subscriber data to your email lists in Aweber, MailChimp and Campaign Monitor.  The tool helps to increase your social shares, likes, pins, and tweets. It increases social media followers. And collaborates promoting with Buffer, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter. It also provides scope to A/B test of your messages and reveals the messages that work best for your website visitors. The tool generates quality leads that convert more visitors into customers.
Of course, not all shared internet leads are bad. You could get lucky and find a geographic “diamond in the rough” where there’s not much competition for leads, allowing you to achieve a profitable ROI. The thing is, you won’t know until you try, so here are five “free” or discounted internet lead opportunities you can find with a quick search online:
For example, if you want to rank for “New York Medicare Supplement Plans,” your webpage needs to answer any questions a common visitor would have when looking for information about that topic. The page should explain what a Medicare Supplement plan is, what the options are for New Yorkers specifically, what kind of premiums they can expect to pay for different types of plans, etc. In short, you want to give them all the information they need, whether it’s on that page or in a series of blog posts that link to each other.
Prospect Small Businesses: If you offer employee benefits or if you’re looking to sell insurance to small business owners, consider going B2B to prospect small businesses. Simply walking into a storefront and asking to meet the owner to shake their hand and introduce yourself only takes 5 minutes. The goal is to meet business owners, ask them a couple of questions pertaining to what you offer, and ask if it makes sense for you to circle back later to explore that in more detail. At the very least, you should pick up their business card and get an email address you can drip market to.
Create Infographics: Many agents find this daunting, but there are plenty of free infographic sites that you can join to access to easy - to - use templates. Search for “create infographics for free” and you’ll find a plethora of sites offering you access to over 100 infographic templates for free. Adding infographics can help you rank in the search engines and draw site visitors with visual content, which will lead to more quote forms being filled out.
Stick Around with Magnetic Business Cards: [WARNING: THIS IS THE ONLY PAID IDEA ON THE LIST!] Not only should you have your number IN your client’s phone, but it should be ON their fridge, too. Spend a little extra money and order business cards that list the different types of insurance you offer, with a magnetic backing. This way, you will always be on their fridge, arm’s length away from where they conduct their most important business and decisions: the kitchen table. People drop, lose, crack, and drown their phones all the time—and throw away standard business cards frequently—so at least with this magnet sticking in plain sight, they can reprogram your number into their phone again.
Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: A consumer comes to your LinkedIn profile; that’s great, but what next? Every profile should contain a brief description of the ideal type of clients you like to help, what problems you help them with, and how to contact you if they have any questions or concerns about insurance. This means linking to your website, listing contact info, etc. Also, be sure to include any particular geographical areas you serve.
Offer Quotes: This is a no - brainer. The ultimate goal of many of these tips is to turn website visitors into leads (and then clients) by helping them enroll in a plan. No matter how much helpful content you produce or how many social media sites you posts you publish to emphasize the importance of researching and comparing plans, you’re not optimally tapping into leads unless you offer a way for consumers to request a quote.
Unfortunately, quality of backlinks must be considered besides quantity. The harder it is to get the link, the higher the amount of traffic a site has, and the more relevant the site is to yours are some of the factors that determine what a quality backlink looks like. So, buying backlinks from Fiverr by the hundreds or thousands won’t cut it anymore. Acing SEO today requires a multi - faceted approach where you’re thoughtfully researching, writing, and promoting effective content with a keen understanding of how to use carefully selected keywords in the context of the latest search engine algorithms. Every time those algorithms shift, so must your SEO strategy.
Start a Facebook Group: Start a Facebook group for seniors in your area where people can share helpful resources with each other. You shouldn’t directly solicit quotes here, but if you can be persistent in finding and creating helpful content, you can create a resource hub that will eventually lead members back to your site to learn more. By using Facebook’s targeting options, you can expand your brand into the local area. Who knows—someone in the group might recognize your name when your next marketing campaign hits, and be more susceptible to take a call or meeting with you.
Create a Quiz: Here’s a piece of content you can create that can test a consumer’s knowledge (or lack of). This helps you educate consumers about certain products, but also about other possible implications to problems that may help them understand why they need products like that. Quizzes also help you understand which stage of the buying cycle a consumer is in, helping you frame any recommendations around their situation.
The best way to approach these Centers of Influence (COI) or referral sources is by sending a message to them stating that you saw their thread, that you are contracted with multiple carriers for cost and plan comparisons, that you have served that area for X - number of years, and include a link to your website. You should also leave your real name (since forum members often use screen names) and contact info (email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile URL, etc.) After sending the message, reply in the thread that you have “PM’ed the OP” (privately messaged the original poster) and you look forward to being a resource to them and their clients.
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.
Affordable SEO copywriters provide a variety of freelance writing services that are geared to increase website traffic for a small business. Web copywriting can improve search-engine rankings. Professional copywriters use keyword research tools to help clients get found online. Hiring copywriters online for lead generation or for call to action content could immediately increase online sales.

What this all boils down to is, you get to essentially look over the shoulders of highly successful affiliate marketers and just copy what they do. This is all part of their free affiliate marketer training package that you get with your free account. It… is… GOLD. Better yet? They keep it updated. The affiliate marketing industry changes fast, so you won’t get outdated information with them as they keep updating the training videos as needed.
Whether it’s getting, finding, or generating your own final expense or medicare supplement leads (both online and offline), the agent should understand that there will always be an element of time or money, when it comes to prospecting for leads and that free leads is not possible unless your finding them by partnering up with other professionals who have access to leads that need help, or generating referrals; those are the only true free insurance leads.
Optimize Landing Pages: A landing page is a distinct page on your website that’s built for a specific conversion objective, with a form to capture user data from visitors who want to subscribe, download, learn more, or purchase a product. Landing pages are like cakes; you need all the ingredients to come together for it to be appetizing. Here’s a perfect template to follow for a landing page:
Paid advertising is NOT something I recommend for those who are just getting started. With that said, it’s good to have a basic understanding of what is known as PPC or Pay-Per-Click website traffic. In short, you can use services like Google Adwords or Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your site. You pay per website visitor, but you can make a lot of money doing this. Say it costs you $1 to send a visitor to your site, but each visitor on average earns you $2 in affiliate commissions. You, my friend, have a money machine on your hands.
It would be nice if we could create websites about whatever niche we wanted, and that’s fine if you don’t care about money, but if you actually want to earn an income from your affiliate marketing efforts, you need to know for sure that your niche is profitable and winnable (enough demand but not too much competition). Trust me, there is a niche for you. Go out there, do some research, and find it. These videos will show you exactly how to do that, step-by-step.

Your ultimate goal as an affiliate marketer should be to outsource all the work while you collect a paycheck each month. My website DogFoodInsider.com is 100% outsourced at this point. There is always someone willing to work for you. From writers on Constant-Content.com to programmers on Elance.com to odd jobs on Fiverr.com – the sources you can use for outsourcing is nearly limitless.
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