I think there are a couple main reasons why the research aspect is so overlooked in affiliate marketing. The first reason is, people are just lazy. Most new affiliate marketers are only thinking about making money in the shortest period of time, so they simply choose a niche and build a site in their first day. Then, months go by with little to no website traffic and they proclaim that affiliate marketing no longer works. Considering affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar per year industry driving about 20% of all online sales, that of course isn’t true. Most people just don’t do the research necessary to truly find a profitable niche that is in demand without too much competition.
Purchase Your Name Domain: Agents wanting to control their online reputation (known as Online Reputation Management or ORM) and what a consumer sees about them, might consider buying a domain of their full name and making it a supplementary bio website for consumers to see when they inevitably reverse search your number or cross - reference your name to double check the quality of recommendations they are hearing.
Addthis is a top-notch easy plugin to implement on WordPress sites and permits to include sharing buttons to all pages in a quick way. It is simple to customize the design of the features, and you’ll be also able to adjust the title, description, and image for usage in Addthis. You will be able to make your content shareable which is just one click away.

I think there are a couple main reasons why the research aspect is so overlooked in affiliate marketing. The first reason is, people are just lazy. Most new affiliate marketers are only thinking about making money in the shortest period of time, so they simply choose a niche and build a site in their first day. Then, months go by with little to no website traffic and they proclaim that affiliate marketing no longer works. Considering affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar per year industry driving about 20% of all online sales, that of course isn’t true. Most people just don’t do the research necessary to truly find a profitable niche that is in demand without too much competition.

If you aren’t already using Google Analytics, now’s the time. This powerful analytics platform is among the best on the Internet. It comes packed with thousands of metrics and can be used to track highly specific and relevant conversion goals. Connect it to your WordPress site and get the stats that matter with the Google Analytics by MonsterInsights.
Some lead vendors give you leads just for signing up to join their email list, like https://www.leadheroes.com/insurance-leads/, which gives you a chance to earn 25 free Medicare supplement or final expense leads for signing up for an email newsletter; of course, I’m partial to this one, and you’ve probably seen the offer pop up since you’ve been reading this.

It would be nice if we could create websites about whatever niche we wanted, and that’s fine if you don’t care about money, but if you actually want to earn an income from your affiliate marketing efforts, you need to know for sure that your niche is profitable and winnable (enough demand but not too much competition). Trust me, there is a niche for you. Go out there, do some research, and find it. These videos will show you exactly how to do that, step-by-step.

Have a Welcome Mat: In the digital marketing sense of the word, a “welcome mat” is a sign - up offer (often full - screen) that greets visitors with a call - to - action when they arrive at your site. If they don’t want to subscribe or opt - in, they can simply scroll down past the welcome mat to access the content—which sets these apart from annoying pop - ups. These can be highly effective at converting site visitors. One of the most common options is from SumoMe:
Host Talks for Local Meetups: If you haven’t gone to Meetup, you have to check it out. It’s one of the best local networking sites available. Simply browse groups that may contain your target market, and offer to host an educational talk on a topic like “Getting the Wrong Burial Plan” or “Medicare Basics” or “What Medicare Doesn’t Cover.” Since these are more interactive discussions than formal presentations, this allows the agent to offer multiple topics as a menu of options to choose from.
Ready to take YOUR business, income and lifestyle to the next level? Since 1996, my wife Lisa and I have built numerous 6-figure even multiple six-figure income streams online using a simple 'attraction marketing' model that has never failed to profitable results. So let's hang out, connect when it makes sense and see where the road ahead takes us, shall we?