Tailwind is a super simple yet supremely powerful content scheduling solution for Pinterest and Instagram. You can use it to save time with bulk image upload, really easy drag and drop calendar, multi-board pinning and pin looping, hashtag lists, and more. Plus, you can automatically optimize your Pinterest and Instagram schedules based on when your audience is most engaged.

Hiring an expert is the way to go if you want to do this fast and effectively. In the long run, new clients are worth more than what you have to pay to get help finding them. You’ll make far more money on one turned lead than you will spend on getting someone to help you get that lead. If that’s not the case for you, however, then things may need to change a little. You’ll want to go do some looking at reviews for various lead generation companies to see what they can help you with and if they are worth your time to work with.

The best way to approach these Centers of Influence (COI) or referral sources is by sending a message to them stating that you saw their thread, that you are contracted with multiple carriers for cost and plan comparisons, that you have served that area for X - number of years, and include a link to your website. You should also leave your real name (since forum members often use screen names) and contact info (email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile URL, etc.) After sending the message, reply in the thread that you have “PM’ed the OP” (privately messaged the original poster) and you look forward to being a resource to them and their clients.
Ask About LTC Experiences: If you offer long - term care insurance, you should be asking every life insurance or Medicare client about LTC to maximize the potential of each lead. Ask about their experiences with family members who have needed nursing homes or family members to take care of them, and then ask them what their plan is for their family if that would happen to them.
Host Educational Workshops: This is perhaps the best way to demonstrate expertise, inspire referrals, and gain business at the same time. The best outlets for educational workshops can be senior centers, libraries, schools, hospitals, churches or job sites. Make sure you plan 2 - 3 weeks in advance so word - of - mouth can get out; you don’t want to be educating an empty room. Some places will even help promote your event, which can be a very effective lead generation idea if you can present to multiple people at once for free.

Offer Quotes: This is a no - brainer. The ultimate goal of many of these tips is to turn website visitors into leads (and then clients) by helping them enroll in a plan. No matter how much helpful content you produce or how many social media sites you posts you publish to emphasize the importance of researching and comparing plans, you’re not optimally tapping into leads unless you offer a way for consumers to request a quote.
Create a Podcast: Agents these days have a number of recording devices on their phones, tablets, laptops, and computers. Leveraging these devices by recording a quick 10 - 15 - minute audio podcast allows you to speak directly to potential customers to answer common questions. This can help you build an audience that prefers to get their information via auditory means or perhaps on their way to work, while helping you get another backlink to your website from various free podcast directories. Here’s a list of 50 places to share your podcast.
Are you looking to improve your MLM and Network Marketing sales skills? You're either Making Sales or you're making Excuses, not making any sales. Peter Mingils teaches the Making Sales or Excuses Training Course. To get the right kind of MLM training, you can take the Mini Course or the Full Course and increase your sales and sales management skills!
Listed below are a few different ways to find free leads on social media, but first, let’s talk about socially acceptable behavior. You wouldn’t just walk up to someone on the street and try to sell them insurance on the spot, so in the same way, you should approach your connections on social media with a little discretion. In other words, don’t be this guy:

Craft Magnetic Headlines: You won’t be able to convert any web traffic into leads, let alone clients, if people aren’t clicking through to read your content. You only have a few seconds to grab their attention, so you must strategically construct your titles to appeal to motivators like fear and greed. Use a headline analyzer like this or this to spice up your headlines so you are fully maximizing your conversion potential.
Set Up Retargeting: This is an advanced strategy that includes planting a tracking code on a page of content that places cookies in the visitor’s browser, which enables custom ads to be shown to your visitors while they’re on other sites, prompting and reminding them to act on your message or offer. While setting up retargeting is free, there is a cost associated every time someone clicks the ad.

Create a Pinterest Account: Although it’s not one of the top four foundational social media channels, Pinterest can supplement your marketing efforts by showcasing the pictures and infographics your business is creating, and “pinning” valuable content and ideas from other influencers. Build a following and harness leads by linking photos to your site and having call - to - action phrases embedded in the photos that inspire lead conversion.
If an agent isn’t spending money to pay for leads (or giving up something else in exchange for them), then he’s spending time generating leads, instead. It’s no secret in the industry that when you’re starting out (or you’re in a slump), if you have more time than money and can’t afford to pay for a full pipeline of leads, then you should prospect with your time to generate leads to fill your pipeline.
Add Urgency to Your Offers: Insurance is all about avoiding a catastrophe, whether it’s not having a plan in place, having the wrong plan in place, or overspending on a plan. Hitting that urgency is like hitting the TAKE ACTION button in a human being. As an insurance agent that deals in risk, it’s your responsibility to let leads know the risk of not taking action.

Share your Blog on Other Sites: If your blog adds value to illustrate a point about an insurance or health care topic being discussed on another website, don’t hesitate to share insights from (and links to) your blog in their comment sections. If you cater to bigger areas like entire or multiple states, leave a link to one of your blogs, along with a helpful explanation, on question - and - answer sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, or even LinkedIn. Leverage other websites to display your expertise and funnel traffic to your site that may convert to leads. Plus, this doubles as a backlinking strategy.

Not only were we able to find free internet lead deals of almost $1,000 for our readers, on top of that, we’ll be sharing 111 lead generation tips and ideas (free of charge) that any agent (new or experienced) can start practicing to earn free leads. Many of these ideas we’ll explore in more depth on our blog later, so be sure to check back weekly!
To learn more about the basics of SEO, read our book where we dedicate quite a few chapters to online marketing and share many more authoritative sources on the subject that can provide a more comprehensive process for agents. Or stay tuned and stop back to our blog periodically as we go over more ways to fine - tune your SEO strategy so you can rank for keywords and generate free leads from your website.
"In early September 2011, a homeowner was shot in the back during a burglary and robbery. The suspect ended up being an escaped convict who was drifting from state to state. We located the suspect in early October using LeadsOnline. Within a couple of days, the suspect was captured in Minnesota. He is now back in Indiana awaiting trial for attempted murder as well as other charges."
The gathering together of multiple fields in business networking provides an environment for new and unconventional ideas to emerge. Additional people devoted to the task of free network marketing leads generation will allow its quicker completion. People from multiple fields can approach the same problem and come to an innovative solution more easily than someone trained in a single field.
Set Up Retargeting: This is an advanced strategy that includes planting a tracking code on a page of content that places cookies in the visitor’s browser, which enables custom ads to be shown to your visitors while they’re on other sites, prompting and reminding them to act on your message or offer. While setting up retargeting is free, there is a cost associated every time someone clicks the ad.

"We were working a series of daytime residential burglaries and developed a suspect. Our agency was relatively new to LeadsOnline and I was just starting to utilize some of the features. I created a person of interest of our primary suspect and within days I received an alert. The suspect actually went across the river 90 minutes away and into the neighboring state to sell this item to a business. Without the POI alert from LeadsOnline, we likely would not have known that this occurred. With that information, and along with other facts gained during the investigation, a search warrant was executed and numerous burglaries were closed across several jurisdictions. One burglary was even discovered before the victim was aware of it since they were out of the country for their honeymoon."
"We recently had a theft of some jewelry. The suspect was a family member of the victim. I typed the information into LeadsOnline and not only did I get the jewelry back, I also had amazing evidence of the pawn transaction where the jewelry was exchanged for cash. Without LeadsOnline, we would not have been able to make an arrest or get the jewelry back to the owner. Thanks LeadsOnline!"

It’s estimated that in under 2 years almost 90% of web traffic by volume will be video. If you have the skills, or can hire a good SEO specialist, it is possible to rank a sales video on Page 1 of Google with relative ease depending on how competitive your niche is. Put a visible call to action in the title which appears in the search engine results page, and link the YouTube video through to your web site and with luck you should have a nice flow of leads as long as your video is listed on Page 1.