"We recently had a theft of some jewelry. The suspect was a family member of the victim. I typed the information into LeadsOnline and not only did I get the jewelry back, I also had amazing evidence of the pawn transaction where the jewelry was exchanged for cash. Without LeadsOnline, we would not have been able to make an arrest or get the jewelry back to the owner. Thanks LeadsOnline!"
Syndicate Your Content: This is a very advanced content marketing technique that aims to replicate your content on other sites—either sites that you have formed reprint relationships with, or those that auto - syndicate your blog content to various niche or category outlets. This is reserved for advanced bloggers who can handle the possible duplicate content issues that may arise, but for them, this technique can provide a huge influx of convertible traffic.
Prospect Small Businesses: If you offer employee benefits or if you’re looking to sell insurance to small business owners, consider going B2B to prospect small businesses. Simply walking into a storefront and asking to meet the owner to shake their hand and introduce yourself only takes 5 minutes. The goal is to meet business owners, ask them a couple of questions pertaining to what you offer, and ask if it makes sense for you to circle back later to explore that in more detail. At the very least, you should pick up their business card and get an email address you can drip market to.
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.
Personalize Connection Requests: Nothing says respect like personalizing your requests to connect with people on LinkedIn or other channels. Taking an extra minute to personalize your messages shows that you’re considerate enough to approach people as individuals, not as unlimited business prospects, which can totally shift how someone receives you in the future when you decide to prospect them.
Offer Live Chat: In this day and age, consumers demand convenient access to information. This means if there’s not a page or video to explain something, you better give them a contact page, social media channel links or a live chat option to answer their questions. Check out a plugin like WP Live Chat Support or Tidio Live Chat for a free option to assist leads in real - time on your site.
I promise, if you go through these free tutorial videos, you’ll have a phenomenal website up and running that looks great on all devices. The search engines will love your site, people will love your site, and you will be up and running sooner than you think. Honestly, creating a website is easy these days. It’s even easier when you use tutorial videos like these. Everything from setting up website hosting to making sure you rank well in search engines is covered, so if you don’t know how to build a website, head on over and get it set up now.
Utilize ICE or Beneficiary Contacts: Most applications have an alternative person to contact in case of emergencies (“ICE”), in addition to a beneficiary. Simply ask the client if it’s OK that you notify these contacts and offer to answer any questions they may have. While you are notifying these people, it only takes a minute to ask about their own coverages.
Prospect Small Businesses: If you offer employee benefits or if you’re looking to sell insurance to small business owners, consider going B2B to prospect small businesses. Simply walking into a storefront and asking to meet the owner to shake their hand and introduce yourself only takes 5 minutes. The goal is to meet business owners, ask them a couple of questions pertaining to what you offer, and ask if it makes sense for you to circle back later to explore that in more detail. At the very least, you should pick up their business card and get an email address you can drip market to.
At SimplerLeads.com we are experts in email lead generation. The leads we provide you are exclusive to your account (Gold accounts) or shared with only 3 other members (Bronze & Silver Accounts). As a Gold member your leads are exclusive to your account only and will not be given to any other customer. With our lead generation - all leads are delivery verified immediately before being sent to your account and are extremely fresh.
Even if you already have a good grasp of the affiliate marketing business model, I highly recommend you check out this primer section in your free account. Check out the article, but more importantly, make sure you watch ever video at the bottom of that page. Those videos are filled with a wealth of information from very, very successful affiliate marketers.
Bare - minimum customer service may not be enough to earn the referral, though, so an agent has to make himself referable. If you have business cards, a nice website, and a brochure, you make it easier for clients to refer you to someone else. But to make yourself referable, you have to consistently deliver great service—showing up on time, calling back when you say you will, staying in touch once or twice a year with a phone call a birthday card (did we mention SendOutCards?)

Ready to take YOUR business, income and lifestyle to the next level? Since 1996, my wife Lisa and I have built numerous 6-figure even multiple six-figure income streams online using a simple 'attraction marketing' model that has never failed to profitable results. So let's hang out, connect when it makes sense and see where the road ahead takes us, shall we?
