However, as I stated before, the single best source of highly targeted website traffic is from search engines. For that reason, you will wan to pay particular attention to these training videos covering SEO (search engine optimization). That’s where you’ll learn all about how to rank your website at the top of certain search phrases deliberately. You get to pick and choose what you rank for if you follow those steps.
The gathering together of multiple fields in business networking provides an environment for new and unconventional ideas to emerge. Additional people devoted to the task of free network marketing leads generation will allow its quicker completion. People from multiple fields can approach the same problem and come to an innovative solution more easily than someone trained in a single field.

Ask People If They Are Happy: Simply ask prospects if they are truly happy with their insurance plan. Even if they say they are (because no one likes to admit they made a mistake in choosing a bad plan), ask people how they would improve their plan or the service offered by their current agent, if they could. This will give you what Randy Schwantz refers to as a wedge, allowing you to wedge in between prospects and their current provider to offer better service or plan alternatives.
Free is good, but paid is great. Each of the free lead generation tools is countable in terms of building your growth foundation while you invest a limited budget now. In the free offers, nothing to lose – as something is better – picks out the best plans so that you wouldn’t have to miss out a single prospect. As your targeted volume of prospects goes with your investment quality, then it is better to acquire leads from the free lead marketing offers as much as possible.
Pitching the Press Release: If you issue a press release, it’s not enough for a few random outlets outside of your market to pick up your news. You should also try securing coverage in relevant niche or local outlets that you identify as media targets. Brooke Bates from Bantamedia recommends emailing your news to these targets individually in 400 words or less, linking to the press release and pinpointing the reasons why your news is relevant to their particular audience, even including possible story angles that show editors you’ve done your research.
Host Talks for Local Meetups: If you haven’t gone to Meetup, you have to check it out. It’s one of the best local networking sites available. Simply browse groups that may contain your target market, and offer to host an educational talk on a topic like “Getting the Wrong Burial Plan” or “Medicare Basics” or “What Medicare Doesn’t Cover.” Since these are more interactive discussions than formal presentations, this allows the agent to offer multiple topics as a menu of options to choose from.
Networking, as it used to be called, is a pretty thankless task. The conventional approach to networking was to start with the network of friends and colleagues that you already have; friends and family, your existing clients, your contacts at the squash club and so on. Most people feel uncomfortable pitching to friends and family, unless you have an unbeatable idea or concept, but if that was the case, then lead generation would not be a problem