Include Contact Info in Header or Footer: Having your contact info clearly displayed in your website header or footer is a must. It’s a foundational piece of your website that tells visitors how to reach you. Every website should have both a local phone number and an email address listed somewhere on the header or footer of the site so that, wherever visitors go, they have the option to reach out to you easily if they have questions or want to enroll.
Include a FAQ On Your Site: When designing landing pages for the various products and services you offer, consider the top 10 most common questions a consumer might have before making a decision to buy or opt - in. This way, visitors don’t have to go to another website to look for more information; they can just peruse the answers to their questions without leaving your page.
Have you ever thought about running your very own Classified Ads site? Imagine not having to worry about hosting, maintenance, backups, or any of the other hassles that comes with running a classifieds site. With the Youmongus Ad Network we will setup your own classifieds site, with a domain name of your choice, and you'll be able to charge for ads, run banner ads, and build a large and successful ad site.
To learn more about the basics of SEO, read our book where we dedicate quite a few chapters to online marketing and share many more authoritative sources on the subject that can provide a more comprehensive process for agents. Or stay tuned and stop back to our blog periodically as we go over more ways to fine - tune your SEO strategy so you can rank for keywords and generate free leads from your website.
Pursue Unlinked Brand Mentions: If you don’t already have a Google alert set up for your name and the name of your business, head over to Google and set that up. Then when your content is shared or mentioned on other sites, you can find them and politely ask them to link to your site, earning your site a valuable backlink and providing more information to their readers. Visit this Ahref’s blog post for a more comprehensive guide to this technique.

Offer Social Security Advice: We aren’t suggesting that you offer tax or legal advice (and make sure you tell people that, btw). We’re just recommending that you inform seniors how their benefits will be taxed according to their income, which can be derived from various assets. Agents can possibly help consumers reposition their assets with the help of their financial advisor to help them avoid paying taxes on their Social Security benefits. Consumers in higher tax brackets could be paying higher Medicare premiums (because of IRMAA) that could be avoided as well.
But writing copy that’s optimized for search engines is only half the battle, because then you have to promote your content to make sure it gets found. Remember the social media channels we talked about earlier? Now is the time to share your content on those channels, along with other social bookmarking sites like Reddit and, to create multiple links on different sites that point back to your piece of content.
When you ask someone to help market your network marketing business, make sure they know exactly what you're doing! If one of their customers asks them what it's all about, and they blow it off as some marketing scheme, you're not gaining anything by your partnership with them. Give them a short promo that will entice customers to want to find out more.

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