Stick Around with Magnetic Business Cards: [WARNING: THIS IS THE ONLY PAID IDEA ON THE LIST!] Not only should you have your number IN your client’s phone, but it should be ON their fridge, too. Spend a little extra money and order business cards that list the different types of insurance you offer, with a magnetic backing. This way, you will always be on their fridge, arm’s length away from where they conduct their most important business and decisions: the kitchen table. People drop, lose, crack, and drown their phones all the time—and throw away standard business cards frequently—so at least with this magnet sticking in plain sight, they can reprogram your number into their phone again.
The genius behind a blog collecting email addresses from its most loyal readers is that you open the door to even more advertising opportunities. In addition to publishing content, and hoping your loyal fans rediscover it, you can directly message them with content you believe they’ll love. And, you can even place pay per lead content in the body of the email.
If you aren’t already using Google Analytics, now’s the time. This powerful analytics platform is among the best on the Internet. It comes packed with thousands of metrics and can be used to track highly specific and relevant conversion goals. Connect it to your WordPress site and get the stats that matter with the Google Analytics by MonsterInsights.
Start Using Pics in Tweets: Pictures say a thousand words, and those thousand words can ensnare more people’s attention and entice them to your blog faster than anything you can write within 140 characters. Pictures directly appeal to emotions, the activating catalysts in the consumer thought process, whereas words have to bypass the rational area of the brain to be processed.

Hiring an expert is the way to go if you want to do this fast and effectively. In the long run, new clients are worth more than what you have to pay to get help finding them. You’ll make far more money on one turned lead than you will spend on getting someone to help you get that lead. If that’s not the case for you, however, then things may need to change a little. You’ll want to go do some looking at reviews for various lead generation companies to see what they can help you with and if they are worth your time to work with.

Create an Elevator Pitch: Agents must be prepared to talk to prospects that they meet at networking events or encounter throughout the day. The best way to do this is by forming an elevator speech, a short introduction that not only informs others of what you do but prompts a discussion about any possible needs they may have. A great article on how to construct one can be found on LifeHealthPro.
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.
Whether it’s getting, finding, or generating your own final expense or medicare supplement leads (both online and offline), the agent should understand that there will always be an element of time or money, when it comes to prospecting for leads and that free leads is not possible unless your finding them by partnering up with other professionals who have access to leads that need help, or generating referrals; those are the only true free insurance leads.
Your network marketing career can start at home. Talk to family, friends, and neighbors and offer them a chance to join your team. Even if they don't sign up to do what you're doing, they can help by sharing marketing materials at their office, doctor or dentist's office, posting notices in their building's common area, or even posting classified ads locally.

Addthis is a top-notch easy plugin to implement on WordPress sites and permits to include sharing buttons to all pages in a quick way. It is simple to customize the design of the features, and you’ll be also able to adjust the title, description, and image for usage in Addthis. You will be able to make your content shareable which is just one click away.
The kinds of leads that you are likely to get for free are ones that have been gathered in a scatterspray way – they could be poorly targeted, or in some cases even people who have not opted in at all. If you contact leads like this, then you will be putting your brand at risk, because you could end up in trouble with your web hosting provider, or the law, for unsolicited marketing. Alternatively, you could end up contacting  people who might otherwise have converted, but who come to view your brand as a spammer because of the way the initial contact was made.
Once on the page where the member's directory is located, your next step is to find the various ways names are sorted. Some sites may list the members in alphabetical order according to the name of the business. Others may list the members according to the city and state they reside in. Others may list members according to how large the company is. In many cases, you will find a drop down box where you can choose how you want the list sorted. Select how you want to sort the list and then hit enter to view your list of leads.
Pay Per Click or PPC can be very effective in the right hands. If you do it the wrong way it can be a fast track to financial ruin. Unlike Facebook Ads where you can see how effective your ads are within minutes, Google AdWords are much less responsive and you can use up a lot of cash before you hit the winning combination. Concentrate on being very focused and specific. If you are not, you will get lots of clicks on an ad which sounds right, but results in low conversion rates when people find that it’s not exactly what they are looking for.
Developing a website might seem difficult on the surface. You know that some website development companies cost thousands, 10’s of thousands, or even 100’s of thousands of dollars to build a site. You might also think you need to know a bunch of computer code in order to build a great site. That is nonsense. I personally know a little tiny bit of HTML and CSS, but I’m even using that less and less over time.
The best way to approach these Centers of Influence (COI) or referral sources is by sending a message to them stating that you saw their thread, that you are contracted with multiple carriers for cost and plan comparisons, that you have served that area for X - number of years, and include a link to your website. You should also leave your real name (since forum members often use screen names) and contact info (email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile URL, etc.) After sending the message, reply in the thread that you have “PM’ed the OP” (privately messaged the original poster) and you look forward to being a resource to them and their clients.
Make your Newsletter Shareable: MailChimp and other email providers usually offer an option to make your email newsletters shareable, so don’t overlook this opportunity. You never know when your newsletter is going to be a resource that someone wants to forward to a friend, family member, or co - worker. Be sure all newsletters are shareable, unless there’s an exclusive offer intended for your list of subscribers only.
Prospect Small Businesses: If you offer employee benefits or if you’re looking to sell insurance to small business owners, consider going B2B to prospect small businesses. Simply walking into a storefront and asking to meet the owner to shake their hand and introduce yourself only takes 5 minutes. The goal is to meet business owners, ask them a couple of questions pertaining to what you offer, and ask if it makes sense for you to circle back later to explore that in more detail. At the very least, you should pick up their business card and get an email address you can drip market to.
"I contacted LeadsOnline in reference to a trial version of LeadsOnline Metal Theft. You all were happy to oblige and the second day of using the trial version, I was able to identify and solve two metal thefts involving a recent case. I was also able to correctly identify a suspect who was involved in a metal theft and was arrested and bonded using a false identity. The program paid for itself in its second day of use and assisted in closing three cases with a total of six arrests. Thanks LeadsOnline!"
Host Educational Workshops: This is perhaps the best way to demonstrate expertise, inspire referrals, and gain business at the same time. The best outlets for educational workshops can be senior centers, libraries, schools, hospitals, churches or job sites. Make sure you plan 2 - 3 weeks in advance so word - of - mouth can get out; you don’t want to be educating an empty room. Some places will even help promote your event, which can be a very effective lead generation idea if you can present to multiple people at once for free.
Perhaps the only real way to reach free leads is to network with other, more experienced marketers, and perhaps get them to share their lists as a way to get you off the ground. With this, you aren’t really getting free leads as such – more leads at no up-front cost. The other marketers will usually expect that you will send commission to them for the sales that you make.