Go Door Knocking: It can be trying to trudge up and down streets, knocking on doors to see if people are interested in reviewing insurance options or taking care of their planning. But for those who are persistent and don’t mind the exercise, this can be a non - competitive, low - cost way to prospect for leads. You don’t even have to do this exclusively; you can mix it up with other prospecting practices and hit up the houses close to the other leads you’re meeting with. The biggest piece of advice is this: Don’t sell at the door; sell yourself getting into the house. The easiest way is by asking them, “Where can we sit down?” while looking inside over their shoulder, after promising beforehand that you only need a few minutes of their time. Once you get inside, you can focus on selling.
Go Door Knocking: It can be trying to trudge up and down streets, knocking on doors to see if people are interested in reviewing insurance options or taking care of their planning. But for those who are persistent and don’t mind the exercise, this can be a non - competitive, low - cost way to prospect for leads. You don’t even have to do this exclusively; you can mix it up with other prospecting practices and hit up the houses close to the other leads you’re meeting with. The biggest piece of advice is this: Don’t sell at the door; sell yourself getting into the house. The easiest way is by asking them, “Where can we sit down?” while looking inside over their shoulder, after promising beforehand that you only need a few minutes of their time. Once you get inside, you can focus on selling.
Rank for Buying Keywords: We’ve already mentioned the importance of tailoring your content to prospects in various stages of the sales cycle, and especially those who are ready to compare options and buy. To catch these leads while they’re hot (and hopefully convert them into clients), you can target “buying” keywords that searchers use when they have an intent to buy. These often emphasize plan comparisons and prices, and some examples include “best Medicare Supplement Plan F rates” or “compare Pennsylvania Medicare Supplement plans.”

Send an Email Newsletter: Sign up for a free MailChimp account and hook it up to your email newsletter widget in your WordPress website. Leverage email to communicate with clients as well as prospects who haven’t become clients yet, offering valuable insights and articles that can keep you top - of - mind when one of your subscribers has a question about insurance.
Are you looking to improve your MLM and Network Marketing sales skills? You're either Making Sales or you're making Excuses, not making any sales. Peter Mingils teaches the Making Sales or Excuses Training Course. To get the right kind of MLM training, you can take the Mini Course or the Full Course and increase your sales and sales management skills!
Stick Around with Magnetic Business Cards: [WARNING: THIS IS THE ONLY PAID IDEA ON THE LIST!] Not only should you have your number IN your client’s phone, but it should be ON their fridge, too. Spend a little extra money and order business cards that list the different types of insurance you offer, with a magnetic backing. This way, you will always be on their fridge, arm’s length away from where they conduct their most important business and decisions: the kitchen table. People drop, lose, crack, and drown their phones all the time—and throw away standard business cards frequently—so at least with this magnet sticking in plain sight, they can reprogram your number into their phone again.
These days, you have the best programmers in the world creating what are called Content Management Systems (CMS) that will build awesome looking websites for FREE. For example, this website is based on the WordPress platform. I did pay about $50 for a premium design, but other than that, I don’t have to know any computer code at all and either do you.
Now become a Locustware – Video Traffic Sniper Affiliate by clicking on this Joint Venture Rotator Link http://ftmthits.com/jointventlocustware/. As a monthly subscriber you will have access to 25+ powerful marketing tools that I use every day to make a 6 figure income in my Affiliate Marketing Business PLUS as a Silver Fox JV Member I will place YOUR affiliate link in the Rotator Link above.

These possibilities aren’t necessarily conducive to successful lead conversions, so approach with caution. If you encounter a free life insurance lead opportunity like this, double check your contracting to make sure there’s a release (without a non - compete cause) allowing you to part ways down the road if you find a better commission/benefits package.
No matter how well your content answers these common questions, you also need to pay attention to on - page SEO details, like keyword density and keyword placement in the right spots on the page—including the title, the first paragraph, and perhaps a few headers. You should also understand the other webpages you’re competing with to rank for that keyword to evaluate how much content they have, how it’s structured, and who’s linking to it.
Polish Your Presentation: Winging it never brought people consistent results. If you want to convert more leads into clients, examine each part of your presentation to make sure it flows and builds into each successive part. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE your presentation. When you feel you’ve stopped perfecting it, that’s the day you sales process starts to become stale.
Utilize ICE or Beneficiary Contacts: Most applications have an alternative person to contact in case of emergencies (“ICE”), in addition to a beneficiary. Simply ask the client if it’s OK that you notify these contacts and offer to answer any questions they may have. While you are notifying these people, it only takes a minute to ask about their own coverages.
I think there are a couple main reasons why the research aspect is so overlooked in affiliate marketing. The first reason is, people are just lazy. Most new affiliate marketers are only thinking about making money in the shortest period of time, so they simply choose a niche and build a site in their first day. Then, months go by with little to no website traffic and they proclaim that affiliate marketing no longer works. Considering affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar per year industry driving about 20% of all online sales, that of course isn’t true. Most people just don’t do the research necessary to truly find a profitable niche that is in demand without too much competition.
Paid advertising is NOT something I recommend for those who are just getting started. With that said, it’s good to have a basic understanding of what is known as PPC or Pay-Per-Click website traffic. In short, you can use services like Google Adwords or Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your site. You pay per website visitor, but you can make a lot of money doing this. Say it costs you $1 to send a visitor to your site, but each visitor on average earns you $2 in affiliate commissions. You, my friend, have a money machine on your hands.
There’s a popular saying among affiliate marketers and that saying is “content is king.” Content is truly the lifeblood of any affiliate marketing business. So far, everything you have had to learn has actually been relatively easy. Learning how the affiliate marketing industry works is easy to understand once it’s explained to you. Doing market research is easy if you know what to look for. Creating a website is SUPER easy. Writing hundreds of pages of content? Not so easy.
Some lead vendors give you leads just for signing up to join their email list, like https://www.leadheroes.com/insurance-leads/, which gives you a chance to earn 25 free Medicare supplement or final expense leads for signing up for an email newsletter; of course, I’m partial to this one, and you’ve probably seen the offer pop up since you’ve been reading this.
Offer Multiple Sign - Ups: Be flexible with other prospects’ processes for how they approach your recommendations. Some people aren’t comfortable enrolling over the phone, maybe they need a paper application. Some might need to see a genuine face. Offering multiple ways to sign up or enroll in a plan can go a long way to minimizing the chances of someone walking away from a sale you put together because they didn’t like your process for enrollment.

Yes, creating content is the most difficult aspect of running any affiliate marketing company. Why? Because it takes long-term dedication and commitment. You can’t just write a few articles and expect floods of traffic to your site. You need lots and lots of content. Creating enough content to truly develop a great resource for people takes a months of work. You’ll also notice that I practice what I preach. ALL of my affiliate sites are heavy on content. From this very website you’re on now to my dog food review site to my site about sharks and all my other sites, they all have piles and piles of content.
This is the first program of its kind within the insurance industry, let alone the lead generation industry. We aren’t asking for your contracts or expecting you to ink a deal with the devil. We’re just hoping that through this free lead program, we can reward engaged agents with valuable trade - offs like free quoting subscriptions, free SEO packages, a new website, or free leads – just for interacting with us and sharing your insights. In turn, by sharing your insights with us, you’ll look more like a thought leader who’s engaged in industry, and your insights can help educate other agents to make the industry even stronger, so it’s a win - win - win. Be sure to stay tuned for more details about partnering with us to earn perks like free leads.
The gathering together of multiple fields in business networking provides an environment for new and unconventional ideas to emerge. Additional people devoted to the task of free network marketing leads generation will allow its quicker completion. People from multiple fields can approach the same problem and come to an innovative solution more easily than someone trained in a single field.
Even if you already have a good grasp of the affiliate marketing business model, I highly recommend you check out this primer section in your free account. Check out the article, but more importantly, make sure you watch ever video at the bottom of that page. Those videos are filled with a wealth of information from very, very successful affiliate marketers.

A fundamental factor to being successful with network marketing is to maintain a positive attitude and generate lots of free network marketing leads. There will definitely be days and perhaps weeks when you fail to make a single sale or attract any prospects. It is understandable to want to feel discouraged during these times but you cannot let it get to you and hold you down. You must maintain a positive attitude because your primary job is to market. If you are anything less than positive, it will show and it will definitely affect your ability to attract buyers and prospects. No one wants to sign up with a loser!