Your network marketing career can start at home. Talk to family, friends, and neighbors and offer them a chance to join your team. Even if they don't sign up to do what you're doing, they can help by sharing marketing materials at their office, doctor or dentist's office, posting notices in their building's common area, or even posting classified ads locally.
Craft Magnetic Headlines: You won’t be able to convert any web traffic into leads, let alone clients, if people aren’t clicking through to read your content. You only have a few seconds to grab their attention, so you must strategically construct your titles to appeal to motivators like fear and greed. Use a headline analyzer like this or this to spice up your headlines so you are fully maximizing your conversion potential.
PM Dollars, is our way of rewarding you for using our products and services, and sharing them with your friends and new signups. You'll earn 10% of anything you order in PM Dollars. Whether you order a Leads Package One Time, once in a while, or every week, 10% of your order will be added to your PM Dollars account after it is filled. You can then use those PM Dollars for products and services we offer in your PM Dollars account.
I promise, if you go through these free tutorial videos, you’ll have a phenomenal website up and running that looks great on all devices. The search engines will love your site, people will love your site, and you will be up and running sooner than you think. Honestly, creating a website is easy these days. It’s even easier when you use tutorial videos like these. Everything from setting up website hosting to making sure you rank well in search engines is covered, so if you don’t know how to build a website, head on over and get it set up now.
Ask People If They Are Happy: Simply ask prospects if they are truly happy with their insurance plan. Even if they say they are (because no one likes to admit they made a mistake in choosing a bad plan), ask people how they would improve their plan or the service offered by their current agent, if they could. This will give you what Randy Schwantz refers to as a wedge, allowing you to wedge in between prospects and their current provider to offer better service or plan alternatives.
But writing copy that’s optimized for search engines is only half the battle, because then you have to promote your content to make sure it gets found. Remember the social media channels we talked about earlier? Now is the time to share your content on those channels, along with other social bookmarking sites like Reddit and, to create multiple links on different sites that point back to your piece of content.
I think there are a couple main reasons why the research aspect is so overlooked in affiliate marketing. The first reason is, people are just lazy. Most new affiliate marketers are only thinking about making money in the shortest period of time, so they simply choose a niche and build a site in their first day. Then, months go by with little to no website traffic and they proclaim that affiliate marketing no longer works. Considering affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar per year industry driving about 20% of all online sales, that of course isn’t true. Most people just don’t do the research necessary to truly find a profitable niche that is in demand without too much competition.
Welcome Guest Bloggers: We talked about guest blogging on other sites and syndicating your content to other sites, but by welcoming guest bloggers, you invite professionals and experts to write for your site. If you have a website, you’ve probably already received the infamous guest - posting request, most likely from a foreign email address, so it’s important to set some guidelines of what type of quality and insight you expect in guest posts to help educate your audience.
Google+: So we can’t really show you how to find free leads on G+, and that’s because NO ONE USES G+. It only seems to exist because Google likes to have a hand in everything online. The only people who actively use G+ seem to be SEO experts and small business owners. It’s no secret that Google favors their own networks, so the biggest benefit of using this channel is to gain search engine prominence—not to find free leads.
I never really knew how Google Adwords was working for me until I began tracking conversions with LeadDyno. While I always used the conversion tracking pixel that Google provides, I always found it to be imperfect. That’s because I want to measure specific $$$ amounts and sales… while Google is only able to tell me if someone made it to a certain page. Like a sign up, or “thank you” page. That’s a good start – but I need more! Specifically, I need to know what somebody bought and/or signed up for… how much they purchased… and how long they stayed with us afterwards. This is easy to do with LeadDyno. All you need to do is create a new marketing campaign tracking link – as use this link as the Target URL within Adwords. Or, if you’re advertising on Facebook, just make sure the link that you provide Facebook with is a campaign tracking link from LeadDyno. Don’t just give Facebook the link to your homepage – give them this link instead. It’s pretty much the same thing as using an affiliate link to track the effectiveness of a specific marketing campaign. Because LeadDyno is already plugged into your website – and most importantly, your E-Commerce provider – you’ll have visibility into the entire sales funnel that was generated as a result of each specific advertising campaign you are tracking. I’ve been doing online marketing for the past decade, and I can tell you this is huge. It allows me to test campaigns quickly and easily. I’m able to let our winners run, and cut our losers short.
Start a Facebook Group: Start a Facebook group for seniors in your area where people can share helpful resources with each other. You shouldn’t directly solicit quotes here, but if you can be persistent in finding and creating helpful content, you can create a resource hub that will eventually lead members back to your site to learn more. By using Facebook’s targeting options, you can expand your brand into the local area. Who knows—someone in the group might recognize your name when your next marketing campaign hits, and be more susceptible to take a call or meeting with you.
After you run your search, you should have several association sites that fit your search terms. Select one and click on it. You will most likely be on the page of the site that contains the member's directory because you requested that as part of the search. If not, then look on the site for a link that says something like "members" or "directory" or "directory listing" and once you find that link or button, then click on it.
Once on the page where the member's directory is located, your next step is to find the various ways names are sorted. Some sites may list the members in alphabetical order according to the name of the business. Others may list the members according to the city and state they reside in. Others may list members according to how large the company is. In many cases, you will find a drop down box where you can choose how you want the list sorted. Select how you want to sort the list and then hit enter to view your list of leads.
Launch a Project 200: Some agencies require new agents to do a “Project 200” and come up with a list of at least 200 people you know personally who could be potential prospects. If you own an agency, why not leverage your contacts and those of your employees? This is a very popular option for agencies wanting to create a local network bolstered by their employees’ connections.
Publish your content, then promote it to rank on the search engines. Rank high on the front page of Google, Yahoo or Bing and you’ll see a huge percentage of the people searching for actually visit your site. Present a nice free offer of some kind and you’ll be amazed at how easy it really can be to start raking in a steady steam of “free network marketing leads“.