This is something you should spend a lot of time researching before you dive in and write that first article. The tutorial videos you’ll find here are probably the most important videos you’ll watch. Even if you’re “not a writer”, they will show you how to create awesome content for your new affiliate marketing site. The tips and tricks in those videos is invaluable. Go through all of those videos… twice.
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.
Make your Newsletter Shareable: MailChimp and other email providers usually offer an option to make your email newsletters shareable, so don’t overlook this opportunity. You never know when your newsletter is going to be a resource that someone wants to forward to a friend, family member, or co - worker. Be sure all newsletters are shareable, unless there’s an exclusive offer intended for your list of subscribers only.
Hiring an expert is the way to go if you want to do this fast and effectively. In the long run, new clients are worth more than what you have to pay to get help finding them. You’ll make far more money on one turned lead than you will spend on getting someone to help you get that lead. If that’s not the case for you, however, then things may need to change a little. You’ll want to go do some looking at reviews for various lead generation companies to see what they can help you with and if they are worth your time to work with.
Optimize Landing Pages: A landing page is a distinct page on your website that’s built for a specific conversion objective, with a form to capture user data from visitors who want to subscribe, download, learn more, or purchase a product. Landing pages are like cakes; you need all the ingredients to come together for it to be appetizing. Here’s a perfect template to follow for a landing page:
Create a Pinterest Account: Although it’s not one of the top four foundational social media channels, Pinterest can supplement your marketing efforts by showcasing the pictures and infographics your business is creating, and “pinning” valuable content and ideas from other influencers. Build a following and harness leads by linking photos to your site and having call - to - action phrases embedded in the photos that inspire lead conversion.
Create Content for Each Stage of the Buying Cycle: Not every lead will be ready to enroll right away, so address people who haven’t considered the potential implications of the problems solved by the types of insurance you sell, in addition to people who are currently comparing options, others may have recently bought a plan, and those who have had plans for a long time and never re - examined it since. Creating content for people in these different stages of the buying cycle will help built trust, provide education, and hopefully help them take action to solve any issues they’ll encounter throughout the buying cycle.
"We were working a series of daytime residential burglaries and developed a suspect. Our agency was relatively new to LeadsOnline and I was just starting to utilize some of the features. I created a person of interest of our primary suspect and within days I received an alert. The suspect actually went across the river 90 minutes away and into the neighboring state to sell this item to a business. Without the POI alert from LeadsOnline, we likely would not have known that this occurred. With that information, and along with other facts gained during the investigation, a search warrant was executed and numerous burglaries were closed across several jurisdictions. One burglary was even discovered before the victim was aware of it since they were out of the country for their honeymoon."
Craft Magnetic Headlines: You won’t be able to convert any web traffic into leads, let alone clients, if people aren’t clicking through to read your content. You only have a few seconds to grab their attention, so you must strategically construct your titles to appeal to motivators like fear and greed. Use a headline analyzer like this or this to spice up your headlines so you are fully maximizing your conversion potential.
Be polite, respectful, and relevant. Don’t push the issue if there’s no response; you’re not looking to be a social media insurance hound. If the person has a birthday, try reaching out to them via message to wish them happy birthday, and tell them how you would like to offer them a complimentary quote on their insurance, since rates go up as we age. If it’s open enrollment time, feel free to post about the ways you’re helping other clients in a certain city, because you never know who will message you with questions.
At we are experts in email lead generation. The leads we provide you are exclusive to your account (Gold accounts) or shared with only 3 other members (Bronze & Silver Accounts). As a Gold member your leads are exclusive to your account only and will not be given to any other customer. With our lead generation - all leads are delivery verified immediately before being sent to your account and are extremely fresh.
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.

Create a Drip Email Program: This is different than a mere newsletter subscription because it’s more focused on getting the consumer to do something specific, like download a lead magnet or get a quote. The newsletter may have different topics each time, whereas a drip campaign is composed of 5 - 12 emails in a sequence that get fired off in response to certain triggers, like if a visitor starts filling out a quote form but doesn’t submit it.
Now, truth be told, affiliate marketing does come with some costs. Fortunately, those costs are rather small when compared to starting other businesses. For example, if you want to succeed with affiliate marketing in the same way that I teach it, you’ll need a website. In order to have a website, you need to pay for “website hosting”. If you don’t know what website hosting is, don’t worry, we’ll get to that, but website hosting does cost a few bucks per month (generally under $10 / mo). If you have about $40 for startup costs and about $10 / mo for recurring expenses, this is entirely doable. There are many other optional expenses for affiliate marketing, which I will also get into, but those optional expenses are used more for speeding up the path to success (outsourcing, etc.) rather than a requirement for success. When I first started my affiliate marketing business, I had about $200 to my name.
There’s a popular saying among affiliate marketers and that saying is “content is king.” Content is truly the lifeblood of any affiliate marketing business. So far, everything you have had to learn has actually been relatively easy. Learning how the affiliate marketing industry works is easy to understand once it’s explained to you. Doing market research is easy if you know what to look for. Creating a website is SUPER easy. Writing hundreds of pages of content? Not so easy.
If you aren’t already using Google Analytics, now’s the time. This powerful analytics platform is among the best on the Internet. It comes packed with thousands of metrics and can be used to track highly specific and relevant conversion goals. Connect it to your WordPress site and get the stats that matter with the Google Analytics by MonsterInsights.
This is the first program of its kind within the insurance industry, let alone the lead generation industry. We aren’t asking for your contracts or expecting you to ink a deal with the devil. We’re just hoping that through this free lead program, we can reward engaged agents with valuable trade - offs like free quoting subscriptions, free SEO packages, a new website, or free leads – just for interacting with us and sharing your insights. In turn, by sharing your insights with us, you’ll look more like a thought leader who’s engaged in industry, and your insights can help educate other agents to make the industry even stronger, so it’s a win - win - win. Be sure to stay tuned for more details about partnering with us to earn perks like free leads.

Leverage Your Contacts: If you’re serious about this business, then everyone should know it. The best way to start building a network of people who know you’re the guy to call about insurance is by updating everyone you know about what types of insurance you specialize in, and by offering to be a resource for them and their friends. By staying top of mind in your network, you increase the chances of people remembering you when they (or someone they know) needs help with an insurance matter.
Earn Referrals: This is similar to the previous idea, but this one emphasizes service. To earn referrals naturally without asking for them, agents should make it a goal to provide over - the - top service to clients and people referred by their clients. If an agent can demonstrate amazing quality service, then he can amass referrals as well as online reviews, which can help bolster traffic and conversions.
To prove that we give you more in value, than you could ever give us in money, we provide you with MLM Training and Lead Management Systems at no extra cost. In fact, anyone can get a Free Lead Management System, which also includes a Free Phase 2 Customizable Marketing Site, and any package that has email leads gets a Free Autoresponder with Professionally written emails included. (You can even modify the autoresponder emails at any time.)
Some lead vendors give you leads just for signing up to join their email list, like, which gives you a chance to earn 25 free Medicare supplement or final expense leads for signing up for an email newsletter; of course, I’m partial to this one, and you’ve probably seen the offer pop up since you’ve been reading this.
Offer Multiple Sign - Ups: Be flexible with other prospects’ processes for how they approach your recommendations. Some people aren’t comfortable enrolling over the phone, maybe they need a paper application. Some might need to see a genuine face. Offering multiple ways to sign up or enroll in a plan can go a long way to minimizing the chances of someone walking away from a sale you put together because they didn’t like your process for enrollment.
After successful sign up, you have the opportunity to access the database of MLM Gateway members, choose suitable partners based on your selected criteria and send them a request for partnership. Other members may simultaneously contact you. Our member contact information is not published in the database and each member may address another member only once. This protects members from repeatedly receiving the same offer.
Google+: So we can’t really show you how to find free leads on G+, and that’s because NO ONE USES G+. It only seems to exist because Google likes to have a hand in everything online. The only people who actively use G+ seem to be SEO experts and small business owners. It’s no secret that Google favors their own networks, so the biggest benefit of using this channel is to gain search engine prominence—not to find free leads.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising – like Google Adwords and Facebook – are getting more expensive all the time. While we invest heavily in Google Adwords ourselves here at LeadDyno, I can tell you that our click costs are constantly creeping up. Which means that next month, I know we’ll have to pay a little bit more to get the same results. Our affiliate program, on the other hand, is always profitable… because we pay our affiliates a commission based on the sales they bring us. Until they sell something, we don’t have to pay them anything. Affiliate marketing is also more scalable than pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. While there are a fixed number of relevant keywords that we (and you) can bid on and make money, there’s basically an unlimited amount of product that you can sell with affiliate partners.

Make a How - To Video: As opposed to the introduction video we suggested earlier, a how - to video teaches consumers to do something for themselves that they didn’t know how to do before, while building credibility for your brand at the same time. Consider a how - to video on navigating the Medicare drug plan finder, or a video about shopping different types of burial plans and what to expect.

Offer Combo Products: Thanks to the current state of our groggy economy, Americans just don’t have the purchasing power they once did. Solving individual problems through separate policies may be too costly and confusing (like having both a long - term care plan and a life insurance plan, or having a Medicare Supplement plan and a separate Part D plan). To simplify options and conserve funds, consider offering products that solve multiple problems at once. This also makes the policy tougher to get rid of if it solves multiple issues for a prospect.

Offer Social Security Advice: We aren’t suggesting that you offer tax or legal advice (and make sure you tell people that, btw). We’re just recommending that you inform seniors how their benefits will be taxed according to their income, which can be derived from various assets. Agents can possibly help consumers reposition their assets with the help of their financial advisor to help them avoid paying taxes on their Social Security benefits. Consumers in higher tax brackets could be paying higher Medicare premiums (because of IRMAA) that could be avoided as well.
"We were working a series of daytime residential burglaries and developed a suspect. Our agency was relatively new to LeadsOnline and I was just starting to utilize some of the features. I created a person of interest of our primary suspect and within days I received an alert. The suspect actually went across the river 90 minutes away and into the neighboring state to sell this item to a business. Without the POI alert from LeadsOnline, we likely would not have known that this occurred. With that information, and along with other facts gained during the investigation, a search warrant was executed and numerous burglaries were closed across several jurisdictions. One burglary was even discovered before the victim was aware of it since they were out of the country for their honeymoon."

The best way to approach these Centers of Influence (COI) or referral sources is by sending a message to them stating that you saw their thread, that you are contracted with multiple carriers for cost and plan comparisons, that you have served that area for X - number of years, and include a link to your website. You should also leave your real name (since forum members often use screen names) and contact info (email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile URL, etc.) After sending the message, reply in the thread that you have “PM’ed the OP” (privately messaged the original poster) and you look forward to being a resource to them and their clients.
For example, if you want to rank for “New York Medicare Supplement Plans,” your webpage needs to answer any questions a common visitor would have when looking for information about that topic. The page should explain what a Medicare Supplement plan is, what the options are for New Yorkers specifically, what kind of premiums they can expect to pay for different types of plans, etc. In short, you want to give them all the information they need, whether it’s on that page or in a series of blog posts that link to each other.
They invite you to promote your experts tapping into the power of experts that increases visibility, engagement, and valuable inquiries. The provider claims expert search tool is designed for all audiences in need of experts. Their free plan allows only finding experts, access thousands of topics, unlimited inquiries and all of this nothing require your registration.

Stick Around with Magnetic Business Cards: [WARNING: THIS IS THE ONLY PAID IDEA ON THE LIST!] Not only should you have your number IN your client’s phone, but it should be ON their fridge, too. Spend a little extra money and order business cards that list the different types of insurance you offer, with a magnetic backing. This way, you will always be on their fridge, arm’s length away from where they conduct their most important business and decisions: the kitchen table. People drop, lose, crack, and drown their phones all the time—and throw away standard business cards frequently—so at least with this magnet sticking in plain sight, they can reprogram your number into their phone again.

With all of this in mind, you also need to understand that affiliate marketing is not some get-rich-quick system. It’s a business. A real marketing business that will take some time to grow. All of the resources you need in order to succeed are listed above, but don’t expect overnight success. Give it a good 6 to 12 months and about 10 to 15 hours per week working on your business. If you do that, by this time next year, you should be an affiliate marketer yourself, at the very least making a nice secondary income. If not, in a year from now, you’ll be exactly where you are right now. Focus on the long-term and keep going with sustained effort. Of course, I’m always available as well if you ever want to contact me. I never charge a dime. 🙂
Hiring an expert is the way to go if you want to do this fast and effectively. In the long run, new clients are worth more than what you have to pay to get help finding them. You’ll make far more money on one turned lead than you will spend on getting someone to help you get that lead. If that’s not the case for you, however, then things may need to change a little. You’ll want to go do some looking at reviews for various lead generation companies to see what they can help you with and if they are worth your time to work with.