Become Versed in Digital Marketing: It’s imperative to keep up with digital marketing trends going forward if you want to survive in the insurance industry as it evolves alongside technology and consumer buying behaviors. If you don’t stay in the loop (perhaps by reading our blog), then you risk falling victim to the latest algorithm changes, or falling behind in opportunities to maximize your brand’s online lead generation opportunity.

Offer Quotes: This is a no - brainer. The ultimate goal of many of these tips is to turn website visitors into leads (and then clients) by helping them enroll in a plan. No matter how much helpful content you produce or how many social media sites you posts you publish to emphasize the importance of researching and comparing plans, you’re not optimally tapping into leads unless you offer a way for consumers to request a quote.
Create Content for Each Stage of the Buying Cycle: Not every lead will be ready to enroll right away, so address people who haven’t considered the potential implications of the problems solved by the types of insurance you sell, in addition to people who are currently comparing options, others may have recently bought a plan, and those who have had plans for a long time and never re - examined it since. Creating content for people in these different stages of the buying cycle will help built trust, provide education, and hopefully help them take action to solve any issues they’ll encounter throughout the buying cycle.

Polish Your Presentation: Winging it never brought people consistent results. If you want to convert more leads into clients, examine each part of your presentation to make sure it flows and builds into each successive part. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE your presentation. When you feel you’ve stopped perfecting it, that’s the day you sales process starts to become stale.
When you ask someone to help market your network marketing business, make sure they know exactly what you're doing! If one of their customers asks them what it's all about, and they blow it off as some marketing scheme, you're not gaining anything by your partnership with them. Give them a short promo that will entice customers to want to find out more.
Launch a Project 200: Some agencies require new agents to do a “Project 200” and come up with a list of at least 200 people you know personally who could be potential prospects. If you own an agency, why not leverage your contacts and those of your employees? This is a very popular option for agencies wanting to create a local network bolstered by their employees’ connections.
Offer Quotes: This is a no - brainer. The ultimate goal of many of these tips is to turn website visitors into leads (and then clients) by helping them enroll in a plan. No matter how much helpful content you produce or how many social media sites you posts you publish to emphasize the importance of researching and comparing plans, you’re not optimally tapping into leads unless you offer a way for consumers to request a quote.
Publish your content, then promote it to rank on the search engines. Rank high on the front page of Google, Yahoo or Bing and you’ll see a huge percentage of the people searching for actually visit your site. Present a nice free offer of some kind and you’ll be amazed at how easy it really can be to start raking in a steady steam of “free network marketing leads“.