Create an Elevator Pitch: Agents must be prepared to talk to prospects that they meet at networking events or encounter throughout the day. The best way to do this is by forming an elevator speech, a short introduction that not only informs others of what you do but prompts a discussion about any possible needs they may have. A great article on how to construct one can be found on LifeHealthPro.
After successful sign up, you have the opportunity to access the database of MLM Gateway members, choose suitable partners based on your selected criteria and send them a request for partnership. Other members may simultaneously contact you. Our member contact information is not published in the database and each member may address another member only once. This protects members from repeatedly receiving the same offer.
Decide what business or trade it is that you want to gather leads from and then type into your search engine box the words "industry (by name) association member business directory." Of course, you want to make sure that you remove the quotes from around the entire phrase. Also, you can try adding to this phrase a state or city if you wish to only find associations in a particular area. Your search terms will then look something like this:

As you can see, you can have both a personal and a business page on each of these channels. Before you get overwhelmed and start worrying about all the work involved in maintaining a presence on all these channels, think about the big picture benefits of establishing your presence online. Not only does each channel build your personal syndication network, giving you more communities where you can share your content and connect with others, but each channel also gives you an additional backlink that will show up in the Google search results for your company’s name. So, when senior leads see your phone number show up on their caller ID and Google it, they’re going to see all the social media channels you’re on, instead of seeing a generic phone number look - up site where consumers complain about strange calls from unknown callers who don’t have a website, let alone a Facebook page. Each channel builds your online presence, which builds your online brand reputation in the eyes of prospects and clients who are looking to see how legitimate you really are.

If you’re going to sign up for any of their premium services, I personally recommend you sign up for this business building package. Basically, you are paying their experts to go out and perform market research, build a website for you, build you an email responder that will automatically email your subscribers for one year, and create the first handful of content pages. They will also help you research the best affiliate products to promote and give you access to special one-on-one coaching that is only available for their paying members. Check it out if you have the funding to get this type of jump start. Outsourcing from day 1 is ideal if you have the funds available, especially when you are outsourcing to a team of people managed by affiliate marketing millionaires.
Add Urgency to Your Offers: Insurance is all about avoiding a catastrophe, whether it’s not having a plan in place, having the wrong plan in place, or overspending on a plan. Hitting that urgency is like hitting the TAKE ACTION button in a human being. As an insurance agent that deals in risk, it’s your responsibility to let leads know the risk of not taking action.
LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a little tricky, because this platform doesn’t allow you to see who’s talking about certain subjects. You can only search for people, companies, and jobs that revolve around a keyword or phrase. So, to find free leads on LinkedIn, you might notice life events like job changes for people in your network (but you won’t find much here regarding births or deaths.) Unless you’re lucky enough to spot a conversation from one of your connections asking directly about insurance, it may not be as easy to search for free leads on LinkedIn as it is on other networks. But you should still leverage your LinkedIn profile to explain how you can help people with questions about insurance, and post helpful content to establish your expertise. By asking clients and other contacts to write recommendations of your service, you can make it easier for potential prospects to find YOU on LinkedIn, instead.
Offer Quotes: This is a no - brainer. The ultimate goal of many of these tips is to turn website visitors into leads (and then clients) by helping them enroll in a plan. No matter how much helpful content you produce or how many social media sites you posts you publish to emphasize the importance of researching and comparing plans, you’re not optimally tapping into leads unless you offer a way for consumers to request a quote.
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.
LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a little tricky, because this platform doesn’t allow you to see who’s talking about certain subjects. You can only search for people, companies, and jobs that revolve around a keyword or phrase. So, to find free leads on LinkedIn, you might notice life events like job changes for people in your network (but you won’t find much here regarding births or deaths.) Unless you’re lucky enough to spot a conversation from one of your connections asking directly about insurance, it may not be as easy to search for free leads on LinkedIn as it is on other networks. But you should still leverage your LinkedIn profile to explain how you can help people with questions about insurance, and post helpful content to establish your expertise. By asking clients and other contacts to write recommendations of your service, you can make it easier for potential prospects to find YOU on LinkedIn, instead.
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.
They invite you to promote your experts tapping into the power of experts that increases visibility, engagement, and valuable inquiries. The provider claims expert search tool is designed for all audiences in need of experts. Their free plan allows only finding experts, access thousands of topics, unlimited inquiries and all of this nothing require your registration.
Offer Social Security Advice: We aren’t suggesting that you offer tax or legal advice (and make sure you tell people that, btw). We’re just recommending that you inform seniors how their benefits will be taxed according to their income, which can be derived from various assets. Agents can possibly help consumers reposition their assets with the help of their financial advisor to help them avoid paying taxes on their Social Security benefits. Consumers in higher tax brackets could be paying higher Medicare premiums (because of IRMAA) that could be avoided as well.
With all of this in mind, you also need to understand that affiliate marketing is not some get-rich-quick system. It’s a business. A real marketing business that will take some time to grow. All of the resources you need in order to succeed are listed above, but don’t expect overnight success. Give it a good 6 to 12 months and about 10 to 15 hours per week working on your business. If you do that, by this time next year, you should be an affiliate marketer yourself, at the very least making a nice secondary income. If not, in a year from now, you’ll be exactly where you are right now. Focus on the long-term and keep going with sustained effort. Of course, I’m always available as well if you ever want to contact me. I never charge a dime. 🙂
They invite you to promote your experts tapping into the power of experts that increases visibility, engagement, and valuable inquiries. The provider claims expert search tool is designed for all audiences in need of experts. Their free plan allows only finding experts, access thousands of topics, unlimited inquiries and all of this nothing require your registration.
Write for the Newspaper: Identify your local or service area publications and offer to write about insurance topics whenever their editorial calendars have an opening. In your introduction, illustrate what makes you an expert with authority to write about specific subjects, and include writing samples from your blog, if possible. The editors might not take you up on your offer right away, but at least you’re positioning yourself to be an excellent resource on this topic, and down the road they can refer you to a reporter or writer looking for sources.
Create a Drip Email Program: This is different than a mere newsletter subscription because it’s more focused on getting the consumer to do something specific, like download a lead magnet or get a quote. The newsletter may have different topics each time, whereas a drip campaign is composed of 5 - 12 emails in a sequence that get fired off in response to certain triggers, like if a visitor starts filling out a quote form but doesn’t submit it.
"The West Carroll Sheriff's Department entered several stolen guns in the LeadsOnline stolen items watch list, and as a result, we received a hit confirming that an individual had pawned five stolen firearms in a pawn shop in Morehouse Parish. That information allowed us to clear 21 burglaries that had occurred in our Parish over a 3-month period. Thank you very much LeadsOnline for a tremendous resource and a great tool to help in our fight against crime."
Your network marketing career can start at home. Talk to family, friends, and neighbors and offer them a chance to join your team. Even if they don't sign up to do what you're doing, they can help by sharing marketing materials at their office, doctor or dentist's office, posting notices in their building's common area, or even posting classified ads locally.

Set Up Retargeting: This is an advanced strategy that includes planting a tracking code on a page of content that places cookies in the visitor’s browser, which enables custom ads to be shown to your visitors while they’re on other sites, prompting and reminding them to act on your message or offer. While setting up retargeting is free, there is a cost associated every time someone clicks the ad.
Include Contact Info in Header or Footer: Having your contact info clearly displayed in your website header or footer is a must. It’s a foundational piece of your website that tells visitors how to reach you. Every website should have both a local phone number and an email address listed somewhere on the header or footer of the site so that, wherever visitors go, they have the option to reach out to you easily if they have questions or want to enroll.

If you’re going to sign up for any of their premium services, I personally recommend you sign up for this business building package. Basically, you are paying their experts to go out and perform market research, build a website for you, build you an email responder that will automatically email your subscribers for one year, and create the first handful of content pages. They will also help you research the best affiliate products to promote and give you access to special one-on-one coaching that is only available for their paying members. Check it out if you have the funding to get this type of jump start. Outsourcing from day 1 is ideal if you have the funds available, especially when you are outsourcing to a team of people managed by affiliate marketing millionaires.
Team Up with Real Estate Agents or Mortgage Brokers: Life insurance agents can help realtors and mortgage brokers save their clients quite a bit of money on mortgage protection life insurance, especially considering the pile of offers that homeowners receive after buying a house. By explaining the premium variance options available for the same life insurance benefit, an insurance agent can help realtors and mortgage brokers serve clients beyond the sale.
"In early September 2011, a homeowner was shot in the back during a burglary and robbery. The suspect ended up being an escaped convict who was drifting from state to state. We located the suspect in early October using LeadsOnline. Within a couple of days, the suspect was captured in Minnesota. He is now back in Indiana awaiting trial for attempted murder as well as other charges."
Write a Whitepaper: A well - written whitepaper can instill trust and credibility by educating consumers about a given issue or challenge related to insurance, while positioning yourself or your services as a solution. More polished than the typical blog post, whitepapers present your expertise backed by facts, statistics, graphs and solid research to give consumers an in - depth, downloadable piece of content, usually 6 - 10 pages in length, to guide their buying decision.
Write a Whitepaper: A well - written whitepaper can instill trust and credibility by educating consumers about a given issue or challenge related to insurance, while positioning yourself or your services as a solution. More polished than the typical blog post, whitepapers present your expertise backed by facts, statistics, graphs and solid research to give consumers an in - depth, downloadable piece of content, usually 6 - 10 pages in length, to guide their buying decision.

"In early September 2011, a homeowner was shot in the back during a burglary and robbery. The suspect ended up being an escaped convict who was drifting from state to state. We located the suspect in early October using LeadsOnline. Within a couple of days, the suspect was captured in Minnesota. He is now back in Indiana awaiting trial for attempted murder as well as other charges."

"I contacted LeadsOnline in reference to a trial version of LeadsOnline Metal Theft. You all were happy to oblige and the second day of using the trial version, I was able to identify and solve two metal thefts involving a recent case. I was also able to correctly identify a suspect who was involved in a metal theft and was arrested and bonded using a false identity. The program paid for itself in its second day of use and assisted in closing three cases with a total of six arrests. Thanks LeadsOnline!"
Create a Quiz: Here’s a piece of content you can create that can test a consumer’s knowledge (or lack of). This helps you educate consumers about certain products, but also about other possible implications to problems that may help them understand why they need products like that. Quizzes also help you understand which stage of the buying cycle a consumer is in, helping you frame any recommendations around their situation.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a little tricky, because this platform doesn’t allow you to see who’s talking about certain subjects. You can only search for people, companies, and jobs that revolve around a keyword or phrase. So, to find free leads on LinkedIn, you might notice life events like job changes for people in your network (but you won’t find much here regarding births or deaths.) Unless you’re lucky enough to spot a conversation from one of your connections asking directly about insurance, it may not be as easy to search for free leads on LinkedIn as it is on other networks. But you should still leverage your LinkedIn profile to explain how you can help people with questions about insurance, and post helpful content to establish your expertise. By asking clients and other contacts to write recommendations of your service, you can make it easier for potential prospects to find YOU on LinkedIn, instead.

The main website a lot of people use when they are online is social media. These websites are where you can sit there and talk to anyone around the world that you know, and chances are that most people you know have an account on these kinds of things. You’ll want to make sure you do some looking into making a business account, because marketing through your personal profile may not do so well for you. Social media sites are free to use, but they also have ways you can pay for ads that go out to people.