Decide what business or trade it is that you want to gather leads from and then type into your search engine box the words "industry (by name) association member business directory." Of course, you want to make sure that you remove the quotes from around the entire phrase. Also, you can try adding to this phrase a state or city if you wish to only find associations in a particular area. Your search terms will then look something like this:
After you run your search, you should have several association sites that fit your search terms. Select one and click on it. You will most likely be on the page of the site that contains the member's directory because you requested that as part of the search. If not, then look on the site for a link that says something like "members" or "directory" or "directory listing" and once you find that link or button, then click on it.
Creating a unique tracking ID for an Amazon link is easy. Simply log in to your Amazon affiliate dashboard, click “Account Settings” at the very top on the right, then click “Manage Tracking IDs”. From there you can make a new tracking ID so you can track which web page/campaign sold what.  You can learn more about using Amazon’s Tracking IDs here.

Ask About LTC Experiences: If you offer long - term care insurance, you should be asking every life insurance or Medicare client about LTC to maximize the potential of each lead. Ask about their experiences with family members who have needed nursing homes or family members to take care of them, and then ask them what their plan is for their family if that would happen to them.
LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a little tricky, because this platform doesn’t allow you to see who’s talking about certain subjects. You can only search for people, companies, and jobs that revolve around a keyword or phrase. So, to find free leads on LinkedIn, you might notice life events like job changes for people in your network (but you won’t find much here regarding births or deaths.) Unless you’re lucky enough to spot a conversation from one of your connections asking directly about insurance, it may not be as easy to search for free leads on LinkedIn as it is on other networks. But you should still leverage your LinkedIn profile to explain how you can help people with questions about insurance, and post helpful content to establish your expertise. By asking clients and other contacts to write recommendations of your service, you can make it easier for potential prospects to find YOU on LinkedIn, instead.
Launch a Project 200: Some agencies require new agents to do a “Project 200” and come up with a list of at least 200 people you know personally who could be potential prospects. If you own an agency, why not leverage your contacts and those of your employees? This is a very popular option for agencies wanting to create a local network bolstered by their employees’ connections.
Include an Email Signature: This is mandatory! Every agent should have an email signature that includes your name, business name, fax and phone numbers, and email. Your signature is also prime real estate to include a link to your website and, if possible, an embedded video of yourself that inspires trust and displays professionalism to the leads you email.
Offer Under - 65 Health Insurance: Getting certified to sell health insurance outside of the senior market isn’t hard. By opening yourself up to a new market of prospects, you provide extra value - added service to the younger referrals from (and maybe spouses of) your senior clients. Not only do you gain extra commissions this way, but you can start securing relationships with clients before they transition from under - 65 health insurance to Medicare.
Internet leads may be purchased from a variety of list generating services or from brokers. While the cost and the quality will vary among lead sellers, small business owners are encouraged to comparison shop for Internet leads. A decision to buy Internet leads could produce a quality list of potential buyers. Some online lead sellers provide exclusive Internet leads. However, many sellers will issue the same lead to four or more buyers.
Listed below are a few different ways to find free leads on social media, but first, let’s talk about socially acceptable behavior. You wouldn’t just walk up to someone on the street and try to sell them insurance on the spot, so in the same way, you should approach your connections on social media with a little discretion. In other words, don’t be this guy:
Shadow Influencers: Make a list of every influencer you know, whether it’s an expert in marketing, sales, insurance, Medicare, or the local news, that you would like to be associated with due to their accomplishments and notoriety. Then find and follow them on social media, liking and sharing their posts and participating in conversation on their channels. This will pave the way for reciprocity, encouraging them to like and share your content in return, which may exposes your brand to additional consumers in their networks.
Even if you already have a good grasp of the affiliate marketing business model, I highly recommend you check out this primer section in your free account. Check out the article, but more importantly, make sure you watch ever video at the bottom of that page. Those videos are filled with a wealth of information from very, very successful affiliate marketers.

Go Door Knocking: It can be trying to trudge up and down streets, knocking on doors to see if people are interested in reviewing insurance options or taking care of their planning. But for those who are persistent and don’t mind the exercise, this can be a non - competitive, low - cost way to prospect for leads. You don’t even have to do this exclusively; you can mix it up with other prospecting practices and hit up the houses close to the other leads you’re meeting with. The biggest piece of advice is this: Don’t sell at the door; sell yourself getting into the house. The easiest way is by asking them, “Where can we sit down?” while looking inside over their shoulder, after promising beforehand that you only need a few minutes of their time. Once you get inside, you can focus on selling.
Ready to take YOUR business, income and lifestyle to the next level? Since 1996, my wife Lisa and I have built numerous 6-figure even multiple six-figure income streams online using a simple 'attraction marketing' model that has never failed to profitable results. So let's hang out, connect when it makes sense and see where the road ahead takes us, shall we?