Share Apps & Calcs: Want to be considered a resource? Share calculators and apps that help consumers. For Medicare agents, this means sharing the doc finder on that tells consumers if their doctors accept assignment. Final Expense agents might share credit card calculators that show consumers how long it takes to pay off funeral expenses. The more consumers utilize these tools, the closer they are to addressing their needs by considering a new or different insurance plan from you.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising – like Google Adwords and Facebook – are getting more expensive all the time. While we invest heavily in Google Adwords ourselves here at LeadDyno, I can tell you that our click costs are constantly creeping up. Which means that next month, I know we’ll have to pay a little bit more to get the same results. Our affiliate program, on the other hand, is always profitable… because we pay our affiliates a commission based on the sales they bring us. Until they sell something, we don’t have to pay them anything. Affiliate marketing is also more scalable than pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. While there are a fixed number of relevant keywords that we (and you) can bid on and make money, there’s basically an unlimited amount of product that you can sell with affiliate partners.

Working with your various leads should get you somewhere, or else you need to rethink your plans. If you find that engagement is still low after you try yourself to get leads that turn into paying ones, you should just buckle down and study on what you’re doing more. Anyone that wants to be successful has to alter what they are doing so that they can get more from the people they are working with. You really need to get this underway or else it’s going to end in you wasting time with leads that won’t pay off.
"We were working a series of daytime residential burglaries and developed a suspect. Our agency was relatively new to LeadsOnline and I was just starting to utilize some of the features. I created a person of interest of our primary suspect and within days I received an alert. The suspect actually went across the river 90 minutes away and into the neighboring state to sell this item to a business. Without the POI alert from LeadsOnline, we likely would not have known that this occurred. With that information, and along with other facts gained during the investigation, a search warrant was executed and numerous burglaries were closed across several jurisdictions. One burglary was even discovered before the victim was aware of it since they were out of the country for their honeymoon."
Unlike pay-per-click leads, organic leads are free. On major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, advertisements are strategically placed on certain page results. Usually, paid ads will appear at the top, bottom or on the right side of a search engine’s results page. However, organic search engine results are displayed on the left side of the page. Organic results are earned rankings from search engines that are quickly generated with an unknown number of complex algorithms.
Internet leads may be purchased from a variety of list generating services or from brokers. While the cost and the quality will vary among lead sellers, small business owners are encouraged to comparison shop for Internet leads. A decision to buy Internet leads could produce a quality list of potential buyers. Some online lead sellers provide exclusive Internet leads. However, many sellers will issue the same lead to four or more buyers.
A fundamental factor to being successful with network marketing is to maintain a positive attitude and generate lots of free network marketing leads. There will definitely be days and perhaps weeks when you fail to make a single sale or attract any prospects. It is understandable to want to feel discouraged during these times but you cannot let it get to you and hold you down. You must maintain a positive attitude because your primary job is to market. If you are anything less than positive, it will show and it will definitely affect your ability to attract buyers and prospects. No one wants to sign up with a loser!
Your ultimate goal as an affiliate marketer should be to outsource all the work while you collect a paycheck each month. My website is 100% outsourced at this point. There is always someone willing to work for you. From writers on to programmers on to odd jobs on – the sources you can use for outsourcing is nearly limitless.
The 3 - Foot Rule: This is one of those classic insurance sales methods that can seem rather abrasive to modern - day agents. The general idea is that anyone who comes within 3 feet of you during the day is a prospect, and you should ask them about insurance. Let’s face it: Everyone knows someone on Medicare, because 1 out of 6 Americans has Medicare. Those agents who are willing to really ask around and work every connection to its max can easily leverage this approach.
These days, you have the best programmers in the world creating what are called Content Management Systems (CMS) that will build awesome looking websites for FREE. For example, this website is based on the WordPress platform. I did pay about $50 for a premium design, but other than that, I don’t have to know any computer code at all and either do you.
Finally, copy the appropriate information into whatever type of format you have decided to use to organize your leads. If you are using a computer to gather leads, then you may be able to copy and paste the information right from the website. Otherwise, you'll need to go old-school and hand write the information and then input it into your computer.
Perhaps the only real way to reach free leads is to network with other, more experienced marketers, and perhaps get them to share their lists as a way to get you off the ground. With this, you aren’t really getting free leads as such – more leads at no up-front cost. The other marketers will usually expect that you will send commission to them for the sales that you make.
What this all boils down to is, you get to essentially look over the shoulders of highly successful affiliate marketers and just copy what they do. This is all part of their free affiliate marketer training package that you get with your free account. It… is… GOLD. Better yet? They keep it updated. The affiliate marketing industry changes fast, so you won’t get outdated information with them as they keep updating the training videos as needed.
"The West Carroll Sheriff's Department entered several stolen guns in the LeadsOnline stolen items watch list, and as a result, we received a hit confirming that an individual had pawned five stolen firearms in a pawn shop in Morehouse Parish. That information allowed us to clear 21 burglaries that had occurred in our Parish over a 3-month period. Thank you very much LeadsOnline for a tremendous resource and a great tool to help in our fight against crime."

Stick Around with Magnetic Business Cards: [WARNING: THIS IS THE ONLY PAID IDEA ON THE LIST!] Not only should you have your number IN your client’s phone, but it should be ON their fridge, too. Spend a little extra money and order business cards that list the different types of insurance you offer, with a magnetic backing. This way, you will always be on their fridge, arm’s length away from where they conduct their most important business and decisions: the kitchen table. People drop, lose, crack, and drown their phones all the time—and throw away standard business cards frequently—so at least with this magnet sticking in plain sight, they can reprogram your number into their phone again.
Offer Combo Products: Thanks to the current state of our groggy economy, Americans just don’t have the purchasing power they once did. Solving individual problems through separate policies may be too costly and confusing (like having both a long - term care plan and a life insurance plan, or having a Medicare Supplement plan and a separate Part D plan). To simplify options and conserve funds, consider offering products that solve multiple problems at once. This also makes the policy tougher to get rid of if it solves multiple issues for a prospect.
Free is good, but paid is great. Each of the free lead generation tools is countable in terms of building your growth foundation while you invest a limited budget now. In the free offers, nothing to lose – as something is better – picks out the best plans so that you wouldn’t have to miss out a single prospect. As your targeted volume of prospects goes with your investment quality, then it is better to acquire leads from the free lead marketing offers as much as possible.
Tailwind is a super simple yet supremely powerful content scheduling solution for Pinterest and Instagram. You can use it to save time with bulk image upload, really easy drag and drop calendar, multi-board pinning and pin looping, hashtag lists, and more. Plus, you can automatically optimize your Pinterest and Instagram schedules based on when your audience is most engaged.
The kinds of leads that you are likely to get for free are ones that have been gathered in a scatterspray way – they could be poorly targeted, or in some cases even people who have not opted in at all. If you contact leads like this, then you will be putting your brand at risk, because you could end up in trouble with your web hosting provider, or the law, for unsolicited marketing. Alternatively, you could end up contacting  people who might otherwise have converted, but who come to view your brand as a spammer because of the way the initial contact was made.