"In early September 2011, a homeowner was shot in the back during a burglary and robbery. The suspect ended up being an escaped convict who was drifting from state to state. We located the suspect in early October using LeadsOnline. Within a couple of days, the suspect was captured in Minnesota. He is now back in Indiana awaiting trial for attempted murder as well as other charges."
Of course, not all shared internet leads are bad. You could get lucky and find a geographic “diamond in the rough” where there’s not much competition for leads, allowing you to achieve a profitable ROI. The thing is, you won’t know until you try, so here are five “free” or discounted internet lead opportunities you can find with a quick search online:

As you probably know by now, most affiliate tracking software is pretty complex to get setup! You won’t have any setup issues with LeadDyno. We designed it to be really easy to integrate with your website. Many of our E-Commerce integrations are “one-click.” For example, if you’re a Shopify store owner, you simply enter the URL of your store, give LeadDyno permission to connect with it, and you’re done. You simply do this once, and you’re ready to start rolling out links and marketing materials to your affiliates! We also provide complimentary setup help. We’re available to assist five days per week via phone, six days per week via live chat, and seven days per week via email.

The best way to approach these Centers of Influence (COI) or referral sources is by sending a message to them stating that you saw their thread, that you are contracted with multiple carriers for cost and plan comparisons, that you have served that area for X - number of years, and include a link to your website. You should also leave your real name (since forum members often use screen names) and contact info (email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile URL, etc.) After sending the message, reply in the thread that you have “PM’ed the OP” (privately messaged the original poster) and you look forward to being a resource to them and their clients.

Welcome Guest Bloggers: We talked about guest blogging on other sites and syndicating your content to other sites, but by welcoming guest bloggers, you invite professionals and experts to write for your site. If you have a website, you’ve probably already received the infamous guest - posting request, most likely from a foreign email address, so it’s important to set some guidelines of what type of quality and insight you expect in guest posts to help educate your audience.

They invite you to promote your experts tapping into the power of experts that increases visibility, engagement, and valuable inquiries. The provider claims expert search tool is designed for all audiences in need of experts. Their free plan allows only finding experts, access thousands of topics, unlimited inquiries and all of this nothing require your registration.
Hello Network Marketer, Tired of old, worn out, over-priced network marketing leads that cost you hard-earned money… but leave you without new distributors? Tired of friends and family avoiding your calls? If you’re like most distributors I know, time and money are valuable to you. You can’t waste it on cheap, worn out recycled leads. Nor do you want to chase your friends and family. Otherwise, you’ll become a charter member of the NFL Club… No Friends Left!
"In early September 2011, a homeowner was shot in the back during a burglary and robbery. The suspect ended up being an escaped convict who was drifting from state to state. We located the suspect in early October using LeadsOnline. Within a couple of days, the suspect was captured in Minnesota. He is now back in Indiana awaiting trial for attempted murder as well as other charges."

Are you looking to improve your MLM and Network Marketing sales skills? You're either Making Sales or you're making Excuses, not making any sales. Peter Mingils teaches the Making Sales or Excuses Training Course. To get the right kind of MLM training, you can take the Mini Course or the Full Course and increase your sales and sales management skills!

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a little tricky, because this platform doesn’t allow you to see who’s talking about certain subjects. You can only search for people, companies, and jobs that revolve around a keyword or phrase. So, to find free leads on LinkedIn, you might notice life events like job changes for people in your network (but you won’t find much here regarding births or deaths.) Unless you’re lucky enough to spot a conversation from one of your connections asking directly about insurance, it may not be as easy to search for free leads on LinkedIn as it is on other networks. But you should still leverage your LinkedIn profile to explain how you can help people with questions about insurance, and post helpful content to establish your expertise. By asking clients and other contacts to write recommendations of your service, you can make it easier for potential prospects to find YOU on LinkedIn, instead.

Send an Email Newsletter: Sign up for a free MailChimp account and hook it up to your email newsletter widget in your WordPress website. Leverage email to communicate with clients as well as prospects who haven’t become clients yet, offering valuable insights and articles that can keep you top - of - mind when one of your subscribers has a question about insurance.

Affordable SEO copywriters provide a variety of freelance writing services that are geared to increase website traffic for a small business. Web copywriting can improve search-engine rankings. Professional copywriters use keyword research tools to help clients get found online. Hiring copywriters online for lead generation or for call to action content could immediately increase online sales.
Include a FAQ On Your Site: When designing landing pages for the various products and services you offer, consider the top 10 most common questions a consumer might have before making a decision to buy or opt - in. This way, visitors don’t have to go to another website to look for more information; they can just peruse the answers to their questions without leaving your page.

Ask People If They Are Happy: Simply ask prospects if they are truly happy with their insurance plan. Even if they say they are (because no one likes to admit they made a mistake in choosing a bad plan), ask people how they would improve their plan or the service offered by their current agent, if they could. This will give you what Randy Schwantz refers to as a wedge, allowing you to wedge in between prospects and their current provider to offer better service or plan alternatives.
Developing a website might seem difficult on the surface. You know that some website development companies cost thousands, 10’s of thousands, or even 100’s of thousands of dollars to build a site. You might also think you need to know a bunch of computer code in order to build a great site. That is nonsense. I personally know a little tiny bit of HTML and CSS, but I’m even using that less and less over time.
Make your Newsletter Shareable: MailChimp and other email providers usually offer an option to make your email newsletters shareable, so don’t overlook this opportunity. You never know when your newsletter is going to be a resource that someone wants to forward to a friend, family member, or co - worker. Be sure all newsletters are shareable, unless there’s an exclusive offer intended for your list of subscribers only.
We just talked about four ways for agents to GET so - called “free leads” in exchange for something, whether it’s an email address, a deposit, a cut in commissions, or a piece of advice for other agents. So if you can’t GET free leads without giving something in exchange, then how (or where) can you just FIND free leads without trading anything in return?
Utilize ICE or Beneficiary Contacts: Most applications have an alternative person to contact in case of emergencies (“ICE”), in addition to a beneficiary. Simply ask the client if it’s OK that you notify these contacts and offer to answer any questions they may have. While you are notifying these people, it only takes a minute to ask about their own coverages.
Create a YouTube Video: People learn by watching, not just by reading—especially in this digital age where flashy visual technology has curbed the consumer attention span. Equipped with your laptop’s built - in webcam, create a quick video (no longer than 3 minutes) introducing yourself to your consumer audience while talking about your process for helping clients. This virtual face - time will inspire trust and help convert site visitors into leads.
The 3 - Foot Rule: This is one of those classic insurance sales methods that can seem rather abrasive to modern - day agents. The general idea is that anyone who comes within 3 feet of you during the day is a prospect, and you should ask them about insurance. Let’s face it: Everyone knows someone on Medicare, because 1 out of 6 Americans has Medicare. Those agents who are willing to really ask around and work every connection to its max can easily leverage this approach.
Agents might find lead vendors giving away free life insurance leads for agents, discounts, or matching deposit bonuses for signing up with their system. You usually see this with internet lead providers. Unfortunately, the quality of internet leads can be questionable because they may be shared leads, which means they’re resold to multiple agents (sometimes to multiple agencies) at once, driving up competition and causing agents to spend more than just money on these leads. Or, these leads may come from questionable lead generation strategies that entice or reward prospects for submitting a quote form when no interest originally existed—known as “pitching wood” in Boiler Room terms.
Publish your content, then promote it to rank on the search engines. Rank high on the front page of Google, Yahoo or Bing and you’ll see a huge percentage of the people searching for actually visit your site. Present a nice free offer of some kind and you’ll be amazed at how easy it really can be to start raking in a steady steam of “free network marketing leads“.