It's easy to find free professional business leads that are industry or trade specific. All you have to do is go online and start visiting trade association websites. There are literally thousands of associations out there—from associations that represent the chocolate industry to those that represent the jewelry industry to associations that represent the tourism business.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a little tricky, because this platform doesn’t allow you to see who’s talking about certain subjects. You can only search for people, companies, and jobs that revolve around a keyword or phrase. So, to find free leads on LinkedIn, you might notice life events like job changes for people in your network (but you won’t find much here regarding births or deaths.) Unless you’re lucky enough to spot a conversation from one of your connections asking directly about insurance, it may not be as easy to search for free leads on LinkedIn as it is on other networks. But you should still leverage your LinkedIn profile to explain how you can help people with questions about insurance, and post helpful content to establish your expertise. By asking clients and other contacts to write recommendations of your service, you can make it easier for potential prospects to find YOU on LinkedIn, instead.

Now become a Locustware – Video Traffic Sniper Affiliate by clicking on this Joint Venture Rotator Link As a monthly subscriber you will have access to 25+ powerful marketing tools that I use every day to make a 6 figure income in my Affiliate Marketing Business PLUS as a Silver Fox JV Member I will place YOUR affiliate link in the Rotator Link above.
Before we proceed, I’d like you to hop over to this page and sign up for a free account. It doesn’t cost you a thing to sign up, but when you do, you’ll get access to a bunch of stuff that will really help you. After signing up, you’ll see some options for premium accounts and paid services, but you can just ignore that. We’re only going to be using the free stuff that you get.

Some lead vendors give you leads just for signing up to join their email list, like, which gives you a chance to earn 25 free Medicare supplement or final expense leads for signing up for an email newsletter; of course, I’m partial to this one, and you’ve probably seen the offer pop up since you’ve been reading this.

Of course, the process of selecting the right keywords, effectively targeting them in your content (both on - page and off - page), and attracting qualified web visitors is much more complicated and convoluted than this simple definition. In truth, SEO is much more involved than just putting certain keywords in specific places on a webpage, because there are dozens of different ranking factors that play a part in how well you’ll rank for certain terms.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising – like Google Adwords and Facebook – are getting more expensive all the time. While we invest heavily in Google Adwords ourselves here at LeadDyno, I can tell you that our click costs are constantly creeping up. Which means that next month, I know we’ll have to pay a little bit more to get the same results. Our affiliate program, on the other hand, is always profitable… because we pay our affiliates a commission based on the sales they bring us. Until they sell something, we don’t have to pay them anything. Affiliate marketing is also more scalable than pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. While there are a fixed number of relevant keywords that we (and you) can bid on and make money, there’s basically an unlimited amount of product that you can sell with affiliate partners.

The kinds of leads that you are likely to get for free are ones that have been gathered in a scatterspray way – they could be poorly targeted, or in some cases even people who have not opted in at all. If you contact leads like this, then you will be putting your brand at risk, because you could end up in trouble with your web hosting provider, or the law, for unsolicited marketing. Alternatively, you could end up contacting  people who might otherwise have converted, but who come to view your brand as a spammer because of the way the initial contact was made.

Update Evergreen Content: Evergreen content is the act of keeping timeless topics relevant and pushing older content to the top of the search engines by updating it. Subjects like the average cost of funeral expenses or Part B premiums should be updated year - to - year to reflect any changes, thereby giving old content a boost in the eyes of the search engines. Instead of creating a new post, try updating an old one first.
No matter how well your content answers these common questions, you also need to pay attention to on - page SEO details, like keyword density and keyword placement in the right spots on the page—including the title, the first paragraph, and perhaps a few headers. You should also understand the other webpages you’re competing with to rank for that keyword to evaluate how much content they have, how it’s structured, and who’s linking to it.
I hope you found all of this to be helpful. Learning affiliate marketing for free is actually easy to do. There are lots of people teaching affiliate marketing for free. The problem is learning from the right people and knowing who the right people are. The above information should help show you that you really can learn from successful affiliate marketers at no charge. Those videos in your free account speak for themselves.

Write a Whitepaper: A well - written whitepaper can instill trust and credibility by educating consumers about a given issue or challenge related to insurance, while positioning yourself or your services as a solution. More polished than the typical blog post, whitepapers present your expertise backed by facts, statistics, graphs and solid research to give consumers an in - depth, downloadable piece of content, usually 6 - 10 pages in length, to guide their buying decision.

I never really knew how Google Adwords was working for me until I began tracking conversions with LeadDyno. While I always used the conversion tracking pixel that Google provides, I always found it to be imperfect. That’s because I want to measure specific $$$ amounts and sales… while Google is only able to tell me if someone made it to a certain page. Like a sign up, or “thank you” page. That’s a good start – but I need more! Specifically, I need to know what somebody bought and/or signed up for… how much they purchased… and how long they stayed with us afterwards. This is easy to do with LeadDyno. All you need to do is create a new marketing campaign tracking link – as use this link as the Target URL within Adwords. Or, if you’re advertising on Facebook, just make sure the link that you provide Facebook with is a campaign tracking link from LeadDyno. Don’t just give Facebook the link to your homepage – give them this link instead. It’s pretty much the same thing as using an affiliate link to track the effectiveness of a specific marketing campaign. Because LeadDyno is already plugged into your website – and most importantly, your E-Commerce provider – you’ll have visibility into the entire sales funnel that was generated as a result of each specific advertising campaign you are tracking. I’ve been doing online marketing for the past decade, and I can tell you this is huge. It allows me to test campaigns quickly and easily. I’m able to let our winners run, and cut our losers short.
As you probably know by now, most affiliate tracking software is pretty complex to get setup! You won’t have any setup issues with LeadDyno. We designed it to be really easy to integrate with your website. Many of our E-Commerce integrations are “one-click.” For example, if you’re a Shopify store owner, you simply enter the URL of your store, give LeadDyno permission to connect with it, and you’re done. You simply do this once, and you’re ready to start rolling out links and marketing materials to your affiliates! We also provide complimentary setup help. We’re available to assist five days per week via phone, six days per week via live chat, and seven days per week via email.

To learn more about the basics of SEO, read our book where we dedicate quite a few chapters to online marketing and share many more authoritative sources on the subject that can provide a more comprehensive process for agents. Or stay tuned and stop back to our blog periodically as we go over more ways to fine - tune your SEO strategy so you can rank for keywords and generate free leads from your website.
Prospect Small Businesses: If you offer employee benefits or if you’re looking to sell insurance to small business owners, consider going B2B to prospect small businesses. Simply walking into a storefront and asking to meet the owner to shake their hand and introduce yourself only takes 5 minutes. The goal is to meet business owners, ask them a couple of questions pertaining to what you offer, and ask if it makes sense for you to circle back later to explore that in more detail. At the very least, you should pick up their business card and get an email address you can drip market to.
When you ask someone to help market your network marketing business, make sure they know exactly what you're doing! If one of their customers asks them what it's all about, and they blow it off as some marketing scheme, you're not gaining anything by your partnership with them. Give them a short promo that will entice customers to want to find out more.
Set Up Retargeting: This is an advanced strategy that includes planting a tracking code on a page of content that places cookies in the visitor’s browser, which enables custom ads to be shown to your visitors while they’re on other sites, prompting and reminding them to act on your message or offer. While setting up retargeting is free, there is a cost associated every time someone clicks the ad.
A fundamental factor to being successful with network marketing is to maintain a positive attitude and generate lots of free network marketing leads. There will definitely be days and perhaps weeks when you fail to make a single sale or attract any prospects. It is understandable to want to feel discouraged during these times but you cannot let it get to you and hold you down. You must maintain a positive attitude because your primary job is to market. If you are anything less than positive, it will show and it will definitely affect your ability to attract buyers and prospects. No one wants to sign up with a loser!
Listed below are a few different ways to find free leads on social media, but first, let’s talk about socially acceptable behavior. You wouldn’t just walk up to someone on the street and try to sell them insurance on the spot, so in the same way, you should approach your connections on social media with a little discretion. In other words, don’t be this guy:
Our Real Time Leads are the hottest thing around when it comes to Home Business Leads! These leads are exactly what they sound like. Here’s how it works: someone hops online and fills out a survey requesting more information about home businesses. The second they hit the “Submit” button, the information is e-mailed directly to you! If you’ve got your e-mail up, you’ll see it pop up and can contact them while they’re still online! High-speed technology working for you! We have Real Time leads available for the United States, Canada, Australia, and the UK! These are great for any home business, whether it’s mlm or network marketing.