Perhaps the only real way to reach free leads is to network with other, more experienced marketers, and perhaps get them to share their lists as a way to get you off the ground. With this, you aren’t really getting free leads as such – more leads at no up-front cost. The other marketers will usually expect that you will send commission to them for the sales that you make.
But writing copy that’s optimized for search engines is only half the battle, because then you have to promote your content to make sure it gets found. Remember the social media channels we talked about earlier? Now is the time to share your content on those channels, along with other social bookmarking sites like Reddit and, to create multiple links on different sites that point back to your piece of content.
For example, if you want to rank for “New York Medicare Supplement Plans,” your webpage needs to answer any questions a common visitor would have when looking for information about that topic. The page should explain what a Medicare Supplement plan is, what the options are for New Yorkers specifically, what kind of premiums they can expect to pay for different types of plans, etc. In short, you want to give them all the information they need, whether it’s on that page or in a series of blog posts that link to each other.
I promise, if you go through these free tutorial videos, you’ll have a phenomenal website up and running that looks great on all devices. The search engines will love your site, people will love your site, and you will be up and running sooner than you think. Honestly, creating a website is easy these days. It’s even easier when you use tutorial videos like these. Everything from setting up website hosting to making sure you rank well in search engines is covered, so if you don’t know how to build a website, head on over and get it set up now.

Offer Combo Products: Thanks to the current state of our groggy economy, Americans just don’t have the purchasing power they once did. Solving individual problems through separate policies may be too costly and confusing (like having both a long - term care plan and a life insurance plan, or having a Medicare Supplement plan and a separate Part D plan). To simplify options and conserve funds, consider offering products that solve multiple problems at once. This also makes the policy tougher to get rid of if it solves multiple issues for a prospect.
LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a little tricky, because this platform doesn’t allow you to see who’s talking about certain subjects. You can only search for people, companies, and jobs that revolve around a keyword or phrase. So, to find free leads on LinkedIn, you might notice life events like job changes for people in your network (but you won’t find much here regarding births or deaths.) Unless you’re lucky enough to spot a conversation from one of your connections asking directly about insurance, it may not be as easy to search for free leads on LinkedIn as it is on other networks. But you should still leverage your LinkedIn profile to explain how you can help people with questions about insurance, and post helpful content to establish your expertise. By asking clients and other contacts to write recommendations of your service, you can make it easier for potential prospects to find YOU on LinkedIn, instead.
Working with your various leads should get you somewhere, or else you need to rethink your plans. If you find that engagement is still low after you try yourself to get leads that turn into paying ones, you should just buckle down and study on what you’re doing more. Anyone that wants to be successful has to alter what they are doing so that they can get more from the people they are working with. You really need to get this underway or else it’s going to end in you wasting time with leads that won’t pay off.
Yes, creating content is the most difficult aspect of running any affiliate marketing company. Why? Because it takes long-term dedication and commitment. You can’t just write a few articles and expect floods of traffic to your site. You need lots and lots of content. Creating enough content to truly develop a great resource for people takes a months of work. You’ll also notice that I practice what I preach. ALL of my affiliate sites are heavy on content. From this very website you’re on now to my dog food review site to my site about sharks and all my other sites, they all have piles and piles of content.
Developing a website might seem difficult on the surface. You know that some website development companies cost thousands, 10’s of thousands, or even 100’s of thousands of dollars to build a site. You might also think you need to know a bunch of computer code in order to build a great site. That is nonsense. I personally know a little tiny bit of HTML and CSS, but I’m even using that less and less over time.

Create a Drip Email Program: This is different than a mere newsletter subscription because it’s more focused on getting the consumer to do something specific, like download a lead magnet or get a quote. The newsletter may have different topics each time, whereas a drip campaign is composed of 5 - 12 emails in a sequence that get fired off in response to certain triggers, like if a visitor starts filling out a quote form but doesn’t submit it.
Optimize Your Site for Mobile Users: Google’s search engine algorithms are starting to preclude websites that don’t cater to mobile browsers. Optimize your site for mobile browsers by using a mobile - friendly theme that’s responsive to various browsers and devices. If your theme lacks that capability, you can always use a plugin like Jetpack on WordPress site, or hire a mobile developer for a much costlier optimization. Don’t miss out on internet leads from smartphone searchers; go mobile!
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.
Utilize ICE or Beneficiary Contacts: Most applications have an alternative person to contact in case of emergencies (“ICE”), in addition to a beneficiary. Simply ask the client if it’s OK that you notify these contacts and offer to answer any questions they may have. While you are notifying these people, it only takes a minute to ask about their own coverages.
These days, you have the best programmers in the world creating what are called Content Management Systems (CMS) that will build awesome looking websites for FREE. For example, this website is based on the WordPress platform. I did pay about $50 for a premium design, but other than that, I don’t have to know any computer code at all and either do you.
Networking, as it used to be called, is a pretty thankless task. The conventional approach to networking was to start with the network of friends and colleagues that you already have; friends and family, your existing clients, your contacts at the squash club and so on. Most people feel uncomfortable pitching to friends and family, unless you have an unbeatable idea or concept, but if that was the case, then lead generation would not be a problem