The main website a lot of people use when they are online is social media. These websites are where you can sit there and talk to anyone around the world that you know, and chances are that most people you know have an account on these kinds of things. You’ll want to make sure you do some looking into making a business account, because marketing through your personal profile may not do so well for you. Social media sites are free to use, but they also have ways you can pay for ads that go out to people.

Don’t give up, and don’t throw money into areas where you don’t have to. There’s no such thing as completely free marketing leads – you are always risking something, whether it is your brand, or your future earning potential. However, with good networking, passion, and the right people, you can achieve success. Talk to some mentors and more experienced marketers today, and see what they have to say for you. You may be surprised at how much you can bring in, with the right choices when you are getting started.
Facebook: This is the basic recipe: Type the appropriate keywords for the type of insurance you sell in your search box, limit the search results to your friends (and groups, if you belong to any), and scan people recently talking about these keywords or phrases to see if you can help with any issues they’re having. Life insurance agents may want to search for “life insurance” or “term insurance,” in addition to looking for friends and connections who have experienced a recent life event that would qualify someone to re - examine life insurance, such as births, deaths, birthdays, retirement, etc. Health agents have it a little easier, because people are more likely to talk about “health insurance” and “Medicare” than life insurance on social media. Also, trending articles or issues that show up in the search results may be good topics to share on your networks, so don’t throw out everything that doesn’t deal directly with people looking for insurance.
Include an Email Signature: This is mandatory! Every agent should have an email signature that includes your name, business name, fax and phone numbers, and email. Your signature is also prime real estate to include a link to your website and, if possible, an embedded video of yourself that inspires trust and displays professionalism to the leads you email.

Now, truth be told, affiliate marketing does come with some costs. Fortunately, those costs are rather small when compared to starting other businesses. For example, if you want to succeed with affiliate marketing in the same way that I teach it, you’ll need a website. In order to have a website, you need to pay for “website hosting”. If you don’t know what website hosting is, don’t worry, we’ll get to that, but website hosting does cost a few bucks per month (generally under $10 / mo). If you have about $40 for startup costs and about $10 / mo for recurring expenses, this is entirely doable. There are many other optional expenses for affiliate marketing, which I will also get into, but those optional expenses are used more for speeding up the path to success (outsourcing, etc.) rather than a requirement for success. When I first started my affiliate marketing business, I had about $200 to my name.
Leads should come in the form of people that are likely to work with you. When you get leads for free, they may not be targeted. That’s okay though, you can target these people yourself, and it’s free to do if you’re willing to put some time into learning marketing. Don’t just get a logo slapped together and act like you’re an awesome company with all kinds of things you don’t really have in place. However, you can work with leads that you target by learning to make a splash in places like review websites and other places people read more about companies.
Share your Blog on Other Sites: If your blog adds value to illustrate a point about an insurance or health care topic being discussed on another website, don’t hesitate to share insights from (and links to) your blog in their comment sections. If you cater to bigger areas like entire or multiple states, leave a link to one of your blogs, along with a helpful explanation, on question - and - answer sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, or even LinkedIn. Leverage other websites to display your expertise and funnel traffic to your site that may convert to leads. Plus, this doubles as a backlinking strategy.
Create a YouTube Video: People learn by watching, not just by reading—especially in this digital age where flashy visual technology has curbed the consumer attention span. Equipped with your laptop’s built - in webcam, create a quick video (no longer than 3 minutes) introducing yourself to your consumer audience while talking about your process for helping clients. This virtual face - time will inspire trust and help convert site visitors into leads.
Write a Whitepaper: A well - written whitepaper can instill trust and credibility by educating consumers about a given issue or challenge related to insurance, while positioning yourself or your services as a solution. More polished than the typical blog post, whitepapers present your expertise backed by facts, statistics, graphs and solid research to give consumers an in - depth, downloadable piece of content, usually 6 - 10 pages in length, to guide their buying decision.
Even if you already have a good grasp of the affiliate marketing business model, I highly recommend you check out this primer section in your free account. Check out the article, but more importantly, make sure you watch ever video at the bottom of that page. Those videos are filled with a wealth of information from very, very successful affiliate marketers.

Develop Case Studies: It’s one thing to offer your prospects and clients options, but it’s another thing to back up recommendations with relevant, real - life examples or stories that address problems and solutions around specific insurance challenges. If you have a client who’s willing to share their experience working with you in a case study, this piece of content can also act as a testimonial to recommend your service.

In addition, you should always know who you’re getting your information from. There are far too many “guru’s” out there who really have no idea what they are talking about. When you sign up for your free account, you’ll be learning directly from Mark Ling and Simon Slade who are both affiliate marketing MILLIONAIRES. They’ve also helped to hand select some other successful affiliate marketers for their training videos. About a year ago, I had my own free training videos right here on this site, but I realized after a while that I just can’t create the type of quality training that Mark Ling and his crew have already put together and continuously update.
The gathering together of multiple fields in business networking provides an environment for new and unconventional ideas to emerge. Additional people devoted to the task of free network marketing leads generation will allow its quicker completion. People from multiple fields can approach the same problem and come to an innovative solution more easily than someone trained in a single field.
There’s a popular saying among affiliate marketers and that saying is “content is king.” Content is truly the lifeblood of any affiliate marketing business. So far, everything you have had to learn has actually been relatively easy. Learning how the affiliate marketing industry works is easy to understand once it’s explained to you. Doing market research is easy if you know what to look for. Creating a website is SUPER easy. Writing hundreds of pages of content? Not so easy.
Establish Sales Goals: Many agents think as long as they have money in their account and their bills are paid, they don’t have to worry about personal sales or marketing metrics. Without setting goals and measuring your progress toward them, there’s no way to plot a course for growth. By tracking your lead outcomes, along with average commissions and number of contacts to achieve those commissions, you reveal insights into the effectiveness of your process.

In addition, you should always know who you’re getting your information from. There are far too many “guru’s” out there who really have no idea what they are talking about. When you sign up for your free account, you’ll be learning directly from Mark Ling and Simon Slade who are both affiliate marketing MILLIONAIRES. They’ve also helped to hand select some other successful affiliate marketers for their training videos. About a year ago, I had my own free training videos right here on this site, but I realized after a while that I just can’t create the type of quality training that Mark Ling and his crew have already put together and continuously update.
These days, you have the best programmers in the world creating what are called Content Management Systems (CMS) that will build awesome looking websites for FREE. For example, this website is based on the WordPress platform. I did pay about $50 for a premium design, but other than that, I don’t have to know any computer code at all and either do you.

With the advent of internet marketing has come a whole new science of selling online making the acquisition of those elusive network marketing leads just a little bit easier. Easy access to the internet for both the marketer and, much more importantly, their potential customers, has forced a whole new set of ideas to the forefront. Here are just a few of the options that are now available.