Finally, copy the appropriate information into whatever type of format you have decided to use to organize your leads. If you are using a computer to gather leads, then you may be able to copy and paste the information right from the website. Otherwise, you'll need to go old-school and hand write the information and then input it into your computer.
A fundamental factor to being successful with network marketing is to maintain a positive attitude and generate lots of free network marketing leads. There will definitely be days and perhaps weeks when you fail to make a single sale or attract any prospects. It is understandable to want to feel discouraged during these times but you cannot let it get to you and hold you down. You must maintain a positive attitude because your primary job is to market. If you are anything less than positive, it will show and it will definitely affect your ability to attract buyers and prospects. No one wants to sign up with a loser!
Now become a Locustware – Video Traffic Sniper Affiliate by clicking on this Joint Venture Rotator Link As a monthly subscriber you will have access to 25+ powerful marketing tools that I use every day to make a 6 figure income in my Affiliate Marketing Business PLUS as a Silver Fox JV Member I will place YOUR affiliate link in the Rotator Link above.
As you probably know by now, most affiliate tracking software is pretty complex to get setup! You won’t have any setup issues with LeadDyno. We designed it to be really easy to integrate with your website. Many of our E-Commerce integrations are “one-click.” For example, if you’re a Shopify store owner, you simply enter the URL of your store, give LeadDyno permission to connect with it, and you’re done. You simply do this once, and you’re ready to start rolling out links and marketing materials to your affiliates! We also provide complimentary setup help. We’re available to assist five days per week via phone, six days per week via live chat, and seven days per week via email.
Host Educational Workshops: This is perhaps the best way to demonstrate expertise, inspire referrals, and gain business at the same time. The best outlets for educational workshops can be senior centers, libraries, schools, hospitals, churches or job sites. Make sure you plan 2 - 3 weeks in advance so word - of - mouth can get out; you don’t want to be educating an empty room. Some places will even help promote your event, which can be a very effective lead generation idea if you can present to multiple people at once for free.
Ask People If They Are Happy: Simply ask prospects if they are truly happy with their insurance plan. Even if they say they are (because no one likes to admit they made a mistake in choosing a bad plan), ask people how they would improve their plan or the service offered by their current agent, if they could. This will give you what Randy Schwantz refers to as a wedge, allowing you to wedge in between prospects and their current provider to offer better service or plan alternatives.
The more consistently you’re posting helpful tips, articles, and advice to these channels, the better you’re demonstrating expertise in thtart a blog on your site ande trade, which will increase the odds of leads remembering you and possibly hitting you up to ask for help. In other words, the more effectively you use social media, the more effectively it will funnel free leads to you.
Send an Email Newsletter: Sign up for a free MailChimp account and hook it up to your email newsletter widget in your WordPress website. Leverage email to communicate with clients as well as prospects who haven’t become clients yet, offering valuable insights and articles that can keep you top - of - mind when one of your subscribers has a question about insurance.
Your ultimate goal as an affiliate marketer should be to outsource all the work while you collect a paycheck each month. My website is 100% outsourced at this point. There is always someone willing to work for you. From writers on to programmers on to odd jobs on – the sources you can use for outsourcing is nearly limitless.
Ready to take YOUR business, income and lifestyle to the next level? Since 1996, my wife Lisa and I have built numerous 6-figure even multiple six-figure income streams online using a simple 'attraction marketing' model that has never failed to profitable results. So let's hang out, connect when it makes sense and see where the road ahead takes us, shall we?