Set Exit Pop - Ups: Instead of displaying a welcome mat offer when visitors arrive at your site, you can also activate pop - ups to appear before a visitor leaves your site, or any other number of customizable triggers. Google doesn’t necessarily love these, but many digital marketers utilize them and they can be helpful in converting site visitors. SumoMe also offers customizable pop - ups to get you started capturing the attention of leads.
Don’t give up, and don’t throw money into areas where you don’t have to. There’s no such thing as completely free marketing leads – you are always risking something, whether it is your brand, or your future earning potential. However, with good networking, passion, and the right people, you can achieve success. Talk to some mentors and more experienced marketers today, and see what they have to say for you. You may be surprised at how much you can bring in, with the right choices when you are getting started.
All of the above info is for those of you who want to learn affiliate marketing for free. As you can see, there is a lot of free help for you if you plan on doing all of this yourself. However, I also know that some of you do have some funding available and you want to create a bit of a shortcut to success. The only way to do that is to outsource right now.
If you aren’t already using Google Analytics, now’s the time. This powerful analytics platform is among the best on the Internet. It comes packed with thousands of metrics and can be used to track highly specific and relevant conversion goals. Connect it to your WordPress site and get the stats that matter with the Google Analytics by MonsterInsights.
When it comes to maintaining your presence on these channels, don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you have your social media profile pages set up, try to post something once a week, whether it’s a news article about Medicare plans or life insurance trends, or a brag about how much money you saved a client by helping them find a better plan. You can even get a free account at Hootsuite and spend half an hour scheduling posts to share on your accounts at specified times during the next few weeks, instead of logging in every day—which frees you up to focus on selling insurance. Even if you post the same message on all of your channels in the beginning, at least you’re posting consistently, which is the true goal here.
In addition, you should always know who you’re getting your information from. There are far too many “guru’s” out there who really have no idea what they are talking about. When you sign up for your free account, you’ll be learning directly from Mark Ling and Simon Slade who are both affiliate marketing MILLIONAIRES. They’ve also helped to hand select some other successful affiliate marketers for their training videos. About a year ago, I had my own free training videos right here on this site, but I realized after a while that I just can’t create the type of quality training that Mark Ling and his crew have already put together and continuously update.
Now become a Locustware – Video Traffic Sniper Affiliate by clicking on this Joint Venture Rotator Link As a monthly subscriber you will have access to 25+ powerful marketing tools that I use every day to make a 6 figure income in my Affiliate Marketing Business PLUS as a Silver Fox JV Member I will place YOUR affiliate link in the Rotator Link above.
Addthis is a top-notch easy plugin to implement on WordPress sites and permits to include sharing buttons to all pages in a quick way. It is simple to customize the design of the features, and you’ll be also able to adjust the title, description, and image for usage in Addthis. You will be able to make your content shareable which is just one click away.
MLM Gateway offers an opportunity to meet great MLM leads, active in network marketing, thereby obtaining the valuable contact information so essential to this type of business activity. MLM genealogy leads fully understand the concept of network marketing and direct sales. Use of the MLM Gateway is free! Want to know more? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. And please regularly check out our MLM Blog for tips on building a successful network marketing business.

"We were working a series of daytime residential burglaries and developed a suspect. Our agency was relatively new to LeadsOnline and I was just starting to utilize some of the features. I created a person of interest of our primary suspect and within days I received an alert. The suspect actually went across the river 90 minutes away and into the neighboring state to sell this item to a business. Without the POI alert from LeadsOnline, we likely would not have known that this occurred. With that information, and along with other facts gained during the investigation, a search warrant was executed and numerous burglaries were closed across several jurisdictions. One burglary was even discovered before the victim was aware of it since they were out of the country for their honeymoon."

It’s quite free! No credit card required! You can set up your Social profiles with this tool in a few minutes! It not only generates leads, but you can also create and manage unlimited projects as well. It leverages to share files and discuss ideas with your parties within this tool. They assure you a simple registration process, transparent and free of cost. You have a chance to upgrade the lead generation software tools anytime as your company grows.

Offer Combo Products: Thanks to the current state of our groggy economy, Americans just don’t have the purchasing power they once did. Solving individual problems through separate policies may be too costly and confusing (like having both a long - term care plan and a life insurance plan, or having a Medicare Supplement plan and a separate Part D plan). To simplify options and conserve funds, consider offering products that solve multiple problems at once. This also makes the policy tougher to get rid of if it solves multiple issues for a prospect.
"We were working a series of daytime residential burglaries and developed a suspect. Our agency was relatively new to LeadsOnline and I was just starting to utilize some of the features. I created a person of interest of our primary suspect and within days I received an alert. The suspect actually went across the river 90 minutes away and into the neighboring state to sell this item to a business. Without the POI alert from LeadsOnline, we likely would not have known that this occurred. With that information, and along with other facts gained during the investigation, a search warrant was executed and numerous burglaries were closed across several jurisdictions. One burglary was even discovered before the victim was aware of it since they were out of the country for their honeymoon."
The gathering together of multiple fields in business networking provides an environment for new and unconventional ideas to emerge. Additional people devoted to the task of free network marketing leads generation will allow its quicker completion. People from multiple fields can approach the same problem and come to an innovative solution more easily than someone trained in a single field.
Offer Live Chat: In this day and age, consumers demand convenient access to information. This means if there’s not a page or video to explain something, you better give them a contact page, social media channel links or a live chat option to answer their questions. Check out a plugin like WP Live Chat Support or Tidio Live Chat for a free option to assist leads in real - time on your site.
Developing a website might seem difficult on the surface. You know that some website development companies cost thousands, 10’s of thousands, or even 100’s of thousands of dollars to build a site. You might also think you need to know a bunch of computer code in order to build a great site. That is nonsense. I personally know a little tiny bit of HTML and CSS, but I’m even using that less and less over time.
Your ultimate goal as an affiliate marketer should be to outsource all the work while you collect a paycheck each month. My website is 100% outsourced at this point. There is always someone willing to work for you. From writers on to programmers on to odd jobs on – the sources you can use for outsourcing is nearly limitless.
But writing copy that’s optimized for search engines is only half the battle, because then you have to promote your content to make sure it gets found. Remember the social media channels we talked about earlier? Now is the time to share your content on those channels, along with other social bookmarking sites like Reddit and, to create multiple links on different sites that point back to your piece of content.

Polish Your Presentation: Winging it never brought people consistent results. If you want to convert more leads into clients, examine each part of your presentation to make sure it flows and builds into each successive part. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE your presentation. When you feel you’ve stopped perfecting it, that’s the day you sales process starts to become stale.

Be polite, respectful, and relevant. Don’t push the issue if there’s no response; you’re not looking to be a social media insurance hound. If the person has a birthday, try reaching out to them via message to wish them happy birthday, and tell them how you would like to offer them a complimentary quote on their insurance, since rates go up as we age. If it’s open enrollment time, feel free to post about the ways you’re helping other clients in a certain city, because you never know who will message you with questions.
Share your Blog on Other Sites: If your blog adds value to illustrate a point about an insurance or health care topic being discussed on another website, don’t hesitate to share insights from (and links to) your blog in their comment sections. If you cater to bigger areas like entire or multiple states, leave a link to one of your blogs, along with a helpful explanation, on question - and - answer sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, or even LinkedIn. Leverage other websites to display your expertise and funnel traffic to your site that may convert to leads. Plus, this doubles as a backlinking strategy.
Paid advertising is NOT something I recommend for those who are just getting started. With that said, it’s good to have a basic understanding of what is known as PPC or Pay-Per-Click website traffic. In short, you can use services like Google Adwords or Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your site. You pay per website visitor, but you can make a lot of money doing this. Say it costs you $1 to send a visitor to your site, but each visitor on average earns you $2 in affiliate commissions. You, my friend, have a money machine on your hands.
Twitter: As with Facebook, you can search Twitter for phrases people would use if they were talking about insurance, like “Medicare plan,” “Medicare season,” “Obamacare,” or “premiums.” The idea is to catch someone griping on social media about an experience they had or a bill they received, and then come to their rescue and open a dialogue to see if they need any recommendations.
Pay-per-click advertising is becoming increasingly expensive. With LeadDyno, you can use our affiliate program and gain a profitable commission without worrying about creeping costs. As one of the best tracking systems in the market, offering a comprehensive set of features, our software tracking program allows you to manage and observe results of your marketing endeavors. Providing complete information through the affiliate dashboard, LeadDyno’s customizable link tracking platform is easy to understand, responsive and effective. With the one-click sharing option, affiliates can now share their products on various social media platforms and integrate the plug-in on numerous e-commerce stores as well.
To prove that we give you more in value, than you could ever give us in money, we provide you with MLM Training and Lead Management Systems at no extra cost. In fact, anyone can get a Free Lead Management System, which also includes a Free Phase 2 Customizable Marketing Site, and any package that has email leads gets a Free Autoresponder with Professionally written emails included. (You can even modify the autoresponder emails at any time.)
Offer Social Security Advice: We aren’t suggesting that you offer tax or legal advice (and make sure you tell people that, btw). We’re just recommending that you inform seniors how their benefits will be taxed according to their income, which can be derived from various assets. Agents can possibly help consumers reposition their assets with the help of their financial advisor to help them avoid paying taxes on their Social Security benefits. Consumers in higher tax brackets could be paying higher Medicare premiums (because of IRMAA) that could be avoided as well.
Make a How - To Video: As opposed to the introduction video we suggested earlier, a how - to video teaches consumers to do something for themselves that they didn’t know how to do before, while building credibility for your brand at the same time. Consider a how - to video on navigating the Medicare drug plan finder, or a video about shopping different types of burial plans and what to expect.
Interlink Your Webpages: If you have pages on your website and blog referencing similar topics, they should be interlinking between each other to not only reference pertinent information, but to also let the search engines know what is valuable content that’s link - worthy on your site. The more internal links to a page you have on your site, the better it will rank. Traditionally, that means linking to a quote page or some other type of conversion page on your site.
This is something you should spend a lot of time researching before you dive in and write that first article. The tutorial videos you’ll find here are probably the most important videos you’ll watch. Even if you’re “not a writer”, they will show you how to create awesome content for your new affiliate marketing site. The tips and tricks in those videos is invaluable. Go through all of those videos… twice.
Host Educational Workshops: This is perhaps the best way to demonstrate expertise, inspire referrals, and gain business at the same time. The best outlets for educational workshops can be senior centers, libraries, schools, hospitals, churches or job sites. Make sure you plan 2 - 3 weeks in advance so word - of - mouth can get out; you don’t want to be educating an empty room. Some places will even help promote your event, which can be a very effective lead generation idea if you can present to multiple people at once for free.

Create a Quiz: Here’s a piece of content you can create that can test a consumer’s knowledge (or lack of). This helps you educate consumers about certain products, but also about other possible implications to problems that may help them understand why they need products like that. Quizzes also help you understand which stage of the buying cycle a consumer is in, helping you frame any recommendations around their situation.

Your ultimate goal as an affiliate marketer should be to outsource all the work while you collect a paycheck each month. My website is 100% outsourced at this point. There is always someone willing to work for you. From writers on to programmers on to odd jobs on – the sources you can use for outsourcing is nearly limitless.

Not only were we able to find free internet lead deals of almost $1,000 for our readers, on top of that, we’ll be sharing 111 lead generation tips and ideas (free of charge) that any agent (new or experienced) can start practicing to earn free leads. Many of these ideas we’ll explore in more depth on our blog later, so be sure to check back weekly!
Rank for Buying Keywords: We’ve already mentioned the importance of tailoring your content to prospects in various stages of the sales cycle, and especially those who are ready to compare options and buy. To catch these leads while they’re hot (and hopefully convert them into clients), you can target “buying” keywords that searchers use when they have an intent to buy. These often emphasize plan comparisons and prices, and some examples include “best Medicare Supplement Plan F rates” or “compare Pennsylvania Medicare Supplement plans.”
Offer Combo Products: Thanks to the current state of our groggy economy, Americans just don’t have the purchasing power they once did. Solving individual problems through separate policies may be too costly and confusing (like having both a long - term care plan and a life insurance plan, or having a Medicare Supplement plan and a separate Part D plan). To simplify options and conserve funds, consider offering products that solve multiple problems at once. This also makes the policy tougher to get rid of if it solves multiple issues for a prospect.
Update Evergreen Content: Evergreen content is the act of keeping timeless topics relevant and pushing older content to the top of the search engines by updating it. Subjects like the average cost of funeral expenses or Part B premiums should be updated year - to - year to reflect any changes, thereby giving old content a boost in the eyes of the search engines. Instead of creating a new post, try updating an old one first.
Offer Multiple Sign - Ups: Be flexible with other prospects’ processes for how they approach your recommendations. Some people aren’t comfortable enrolling over the phone, maybe they need a paper application. Some might need to see a genuine face. Offering multiple ways to sign up or enroll in a plan can go a long way to minimizing the chances of someone walking away from a sale you put together because they didn’t like your process for enrollment.
It’s quite free! No credit card required! You can set up your Social profiles with this tool in a few minutes! It not only generates leads, but you can also create and manage unlimited projects as well. It leverages to share files and discuss ideas with your parties within this tool. They assure you a simple registration process, transparent and free of cost. You have a chance to upgrade the lead generation software tools anytime as your company grows.
Share Apps & Calcs: Want to be considered a resource? Share calculators and apps that help consumers. For Medicare agents, this means sharing the doc finder on that tells consumers if their doctors accept assignment. Final Expense agents might share credit card calculators that show consumers how long it takes to pay off funeral expenses. The more consumers utilize these tools, the closer they are to addressing their needs by considering a new or different insurance plan from you.
Almost everyone joins their Network Marketing company thinking that success will come a lot easier than it actually does. You were likely led to believe that all you have to do is introduce your opportunity to a few friends, who would then recruit a few of their friends, and the cycle would continue until you’re making thousands of dollars every week.