Pursue Unlinked Brand Mentions: If you don’t already have a Google alert set up for your name and the name of your business, head over to Google and set that up. Then when your content is shared or mentioned on other sites, you can find them and politely ask them to link to your site, earning your site a valuable backlink and providing more information to their readers. Visit this Ahref’s blog post for a more comprehensive guide to this technique.

Of course, the process of selecting the right keywords, effectively targeting them in your content (both on - page and off - page), and attracting qualified web visitors is much more complicated and convoluted than this simple definition. In truth, SEO is much more involved than just putting certain keywords in specific places on a webpage, because there are dozens of different ranking factors that play a part in how well you’ll rank for certain terms.
Send an Email Newsletter: Sign up for a free MailChimp account and hook it up to your email newsletter widget in your WordPress website. Leverage email to communicate with clients as well as prospects who haven’t become clients yet, offering valuable insights and articles that can keep you top - of - mind when one of your subscribers has a question about insurance.
Think of it this way – if you were about to open a restaurant, wouldn’t you do some research before quitting your day job and investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into it? Of course you would! You would research the best location, the best type of food to serve, how much you’ll have to pay employees, where you’ll source ingredients from, what type of tables and furniture to use, the best ovens and equipment for the kitchen, and all sorts of stuff. If you just “wing it” and open a restaurant without doing any research first, you’ll most likely fail. While affiliate marketing can be started part-time and without much capital, the same holds true. If you don’t research and plan, you will fail.
It's easy to find free professional business leads that are industry or trade specific. All you have to do is go online and start visiting trade association websites. There are literally thousands of associations out there—from associations that represent the chocolate industry to those that represent the jewelry industry to associations that represent the tourism business.
Say I’m Sorry: We all have client relationships that ended badly. Looking to turn things around, revive an old lead possibly re - earn their commission? Reach out to them and tell them that you don’t like how things ended, and if there’s anything you could do to help them in the future, you are here for them – and then add them back to your mailing list for sending cards and newsletter.
Prospect the Paper: Whether it’s new homebuyers, birth announcements, obituaries, or current benefit plans offered by companies in the classifieds, the newspaper is teaming with life event changes that open people up to possibly re - evaluating their insurance options. This is another old - school way to prospect that many agents aren’t doing anymore, although new agents may be getting this info from new - school sources like social media channels.
With the advent of internet marketing has come a whole new science of selling online making the acquisition of those elusive network marketing leads just a little bit easier. Easy access to the internet for both the marketer and, much more importantly, their potential customers, has forced a whole new set of ideas to the forefront. Here are just a few of the options that are now available.
Glen Shelton launched Lead Heroes in 2015 after noticing a lack of quality and service among telemarketed lead providers in the insurance industry. As president of Lead Heroes, Glen actively manages a call center with real people generating quality insurance leads. With processes designed to improve efficiency and lower costs, Glen helps maximize ROI for agents selling Final Expense life insurance and Medicare Supplements to seniors.
"The West Carroll Sheriff's Department entered several stolen guns in the LeadsOnline stolen items watch list, and as a result, we received a hit confirming that an individual had pawned five stolen firearms in a pawn shop in Morehouse Parish. That information allowed us to clear 21 burglaries that had occurred in our Parish over a 3-month period. Thank you very much LeadsOnline for a tremendous resource and a great tool to help in our fight against crime."
Offer Under - 65 Health Insurance: Getting certified to sell health insurance outside of the senior market isn’t hard. By opening yourself up to a new market of prospects, you provide extra value - added service to the younger referrals from (and maybe spouses of) your senior clients. Not only do you gain extra commissions this way, but you can start securing relationships with clients before they transition from under - 65 health insurance to Medicare.
Unlike pay-per-click leads, organic leads are free. On major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, advertisements are strategically placed on certain page results. Usually, paid ads will appear at the top, bottom or on the right side of a search engine’s results page. However, organic search engine results are displayed on the left side of the page. Organic results are earned rankings from search engines that are quickly generated with an unknown number of complex algorithms.
Interlink Your Webpages: If you have pages on your website and blog referencing similar topics, they should be interlinking between each other to not only reference pertinent information, but to also let the search engines know what is valuable content that’s link - worthy on your site. The more internal links to a page you have on your site, the better it will rank. Traditionally, that means linking to a quote page or some other type of conversion page on your site.
The genius behind a blog collecting email addresses from its most loyal readers is that you open the door to even more advertising opportunities. In addition to publishing content, and hoping your loyal fans rediscover it, you can directly message them with content you believe they’ll love. And, you can even place pay per lead content in the body of the email.
Share Apps & Calcs: Want to be considered a resource? Share calculators and apps that help consumers. For Medicare agents, this means sharing the doc finder on Medicare.gov that tells consumers if their doctors accept assignment. Final Expense agents might share credit card calculators that show consumers how long it takes to pay off funeral expenses. The more consumers utilize these tools, the closer they are to addressing their needs by considering a new or different insurance plan from you.
Write a Whitepaper: A well - written whitepaper can instill trust and credibility by educating consumers about a given issue or challenge related to insurance, while positioning yourself or your services as a solution. More polished than the typical blog post, whitepapers present your expertise backed by facts, statistics, graphs and solid research to give consumers an in - depth, downloadable piece of content, usually 6 - 10 pages in length, to guide their buying decision.
A fundamental factor to being successful with network marketing is to maintain a positive attitude and generate lots of free network marketing leads. There will definitely be days and perhaps weeks when you fail to make a single sale or attract any prospects. It is understandable to want to feel discouraged during these times but you cannot let it get to you and hold you down. You must maintain a positive attitude because your primary job is to market. If you are anything less than positive, it will show and it will definitely affect your ability to attract buyers and prospects. No one wants to sign up with a loser!
Finally, copy the appropriate information into whatever type of format you have decided to use to organize your leads. If you are using a computer to gather leads, then you may be able to copy and paste the information right from the website. Otherwise, you'll need to go old-school and hand write the information and then input it into your computer.
As you can see, you can have both a personal and a business page on each of these channels. Before you get overwhelmed and start worrying about all the work involved in maintaining a presence on all these channels, think about the big picture benefits of establishing your presence online. Not only does each channel build your personal syndication network, giving you more communities where you can share your content and connect with others, but each channel also gives you an additional backlink that will show up in the Google search results for your company’s name. So, when senior leads see your phone number show up on their caller ID and Google it, they’re going to see all the social media channels you’re on, instead of seeing a generic phone number look - up site where consumers complain about strange calls from unknown callers who don’t have a website, let alone a Facebook page. Each channel builds your online presence, which builds your online brand reputation in the eyes of prospects and clients who are looking to see how legitimate you really are.
New prospective users often ask me how easy it is for their affiliate to share their link. It’s “stupid simple.” Here’s how it works… When your affiliates sign up with you, they’ll automatically receive an email from you welcoming them to your affiliate program. This email will contain their unique referral link. It will also contain a “one-click” login link to their Affiliate Dashboard. The Affiliate Dashboard is where your affiliate can share their link via email and social media with a single click. For example, when they click the Facebook button, they’ll automatically be forwarded over to Facebook, with a new post pre-populated, and their affiliate link already embedded! They can add a personal note or recommendation if they’d like – or they can simply click “Post” to get the message up on their Wall immediately. This “convenience factor” is huge. Affiliates are able to share their link early and often with their friends and colleagues. It really couldn’t be any easier. The Affiliate Dashboard is also where they can grab marketing materials like banner ads for their website or blog. The banners will already have their affiliate link embedded. So, your affiliate can simply copy the HTML and paste it to their site – or they can have their web developer do this for them.
Almost everyone joins their Network Marketing company thinking that success will come a lot easier than it actually does. You were likely led to believe that all you have to do is introduce your opportunity to a few friends, who would then recruit a few of their friends, and the cycle would continue until you’re making thousands of dollars every week.
Pay-per-click advertising is becoming increasingly expensive. With LeadDyno, you can use our affiliate program and gain a profitable commission without worrying about creeping costs. As one of the best tracking systems in the market, offering a comprehensive set of features, our software tracking program allows you to manage and observe results of your marketing endeavors. Providing complete information through the affiliate dashboard, LeadDyno’s customizable link tracking platform is easy to understand, responsive and effective. With the one-click sharing option, affiliates can now share their products on various social media platforms and integrate the plug-in on numerous e-commerce stores as well.
With all of this in mind, you also need to understand that affiliate marketing is not some get-rich-quick system. It’s a business. A real marketing business that will take some time to grow. All of the resources you need in order to succeed are listed above, but don’t expect overnight success. Give it a good 6 to 12 months and about 10 to 15 hours per week working on your business. If you do that, by this time next year, you should be an affiliate marketer yourself, at the very least making a nice secondary income. If not, in a year from now, you’ll be exactly where you are right now. Focus on the long-term and keep going with sustained effort. Of course, I’m always available as well if you ever want to contact me. I never charge a dime. 🙂
Unlike pay-per-click leads, organic leads are free. On major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, advertisements are strategically placed on certain page results. Usually, paid ads will appear at the top, bottom or on the right side of a search engine’s results page. However, organic search engine results are displayed on the left side of the page. Organic results are earned rankings from search engines that are quickly generated with an unknown number of complex algorithms.
Have you ever thought about running your very own Classified Ads site? Imagine not having to worry about hosting, maintenance, backups, or any of the other hassles that comes with running a classifieds site. With the Youmongus Ad Network we will setup your own classifieds site, with a domain name of your choice, and you'll be able to charge for ads, run banner ads, and build a large and successful ad site.

Offer Live Chat: In this day and age, consumers demand convenient access to information. This means if there’s not a page or video to explain something, you better give them a contact page, social media channel links or a live chat option to answer their questions. Check out a plugin like WP Live Chat Support or Tidio Live Chat for a free option to assist leads in real - time on your site.

This is in fact, not a direct lead generation tool, rather lead developing amazing software like analytics.  The tool eliminates guess works and lets you understand what users really want, care and conduct on your site revealing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior. Hotjar shows where visitors are dropping off in the conversion funnel as well as in the lead generating forms. It provides feedback to understand the behavior of the leads and so more.
Optimize Your Site for Mobile Users: Google’s search engine algorithms are starting to preclude websites that don’t cater to mobile browsers. Optimize your site for mobile browsers by using a mobile - friendly theme that’s responsive to various browsers and devices. If your theme lacks that capability, you can always use a plugin like Jetpack on WordPress site, or hire a mobile developer for a much costlier optimization. Don’t miss out on internet leads from smartphone searchers; go mobile!
"The West Carroll Sheriff's Department entered several stolen guns in the LeadsOnline stolen items watch list, and as a result, we received a hit confirming that an individual had pawned five stolen firearms in a pawn shop in Morehouse Parish. That information allowed us to clear 21 burglaries that had occurred in our Parish over a 3-month period. Thank you very much LeadsOnline for a tremendous resource and a great tool to help in our fight against crime."
Prospect Small Businesses: If you offer employee benefits or if you’re looking to sell insurance to small business owners, consider going B2B to prospect small businesses. Simply walking into a storefront and asking to meet the owner to shake their hand and introduce yourself only takes 5 minutes. The goal is to meet business owners, ask them a couple of questions pertaining to what you offer, and ask if it makes sense for you to circle back later to explore that in more detail. At the very least, you should pick up their business card and get an email address you can drip market to.
Pay Per Click or PPC can be very effective in the right hands. If you do it the wrong way it can be a fast track to financial ruin. Unlike Facebook Ads where you can see how effective your ads are within minutes, Google AdWords are much less responsive and you can use up a lot of cash before you hit the winning combination. Concentrate on being very focused and specific. If you are not, you will get lots of clicks on an ad which sounds right, but results in low conversion rates when people find that it’s not exactly what they are looking for.