Whether it’s getting, finding, or generating your own final expense or medicare supplement leads (both online and offline), the agent should understand that there will always be an element of time or money, when it comes to prospecting for leads and that free leads is not possible unless your finding them by partnering up with other professionals who have access to leads that need help, or generating referrals; those are the only true free insurance leads.
This is something you should spend a lot of time researching before you dive in and write that first article. The tutorial videos you’ll find here are probably the most important videos you’ll watch. Even if you’re “not a writer”, they will show you how to create awesome content for your new affiliate marketing site. The tips and tricks in those videos is invaluable. Go through all of those videos… twice.

For example, if you want to rank for “New York Medicare Supplement Plans,” your webpage needs to answer any questions a common visitor would have when looking for information about that topic. The page should explain what a Medicare Supplement plan is, what the options are for New Yorkers specifically, what kind of premiums they can expect to pay for different types of plans, etc. In short, you want to give them all the information they need, whether it’s on that page or in a series of blog posts that link to each other.
These days, you have the best programmers in the world creating what are called Content Management Systems (CMS) that will build awesome looking websites for FREE. For example, this website is based on the WordPress platform. I did pay about $50 for a premium design, but other than that, I don’t have to know any computer code at all and either do you.
Offer Multiple Sign - Ups: Be flexible with other prospects’ processes for how they approach your recommendations. Some people aren’t comfortable enrolling over the phone, maybe they need a paper application. Some might need to see a genuine face. Offering multiple ways to sign up or enroll in a plan can go a long way to minimizing the chances of someone walking away from a sale you put together because they didn’t like your process for enrollment.
Internet leads may be purchased from a variety of list generating services or from brokers. While the cost and the quality will vary among lead sellers, small business owners are encouraged to comparison shop for Internet leads. A decision to buy Internet leads could produce a quality list of potential buyers. Some online lead sellers provide exclusive Internet leads. However, many sellers will issue the same lead to four or more buyers.
Offer Quotes: This is a no - brainer. The ultimate goal of many of these tips is to turn website visitors into leads (and then clients) by helping them enroll in a plan. No matter how much helpful content you produce or how many social media sites you posts you publish to emphasize the importance of researching and comparing plans, you’re not optimally tapping into leads unless you offer a way for consumers to request a quote.
Think of it this way – if you were about to open a restaurant, wouldn’t you do some research before quitting your day job and investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into it? Of course you would! You would research the best location, the best type of food to serve, how much you’ll have to pay employees, where you’ll source ingredients from, what type of tables and furniture to use, the best ovens and equipment for the kitchen, and all sorts of stuff. If you just “wing it” and open a restaurant without doing any research first, you’ll most likely fail. While affiliate marketing can be started part-time and without much capital, the same holds true. If you don’t research and plan, you will fail.
Have you ever thought about running your very own Classified Ads site? Imagine not having to worry about hosting, maintenance, backups, or any of the other hassles that comes with running a classifieds site. With the Youmongus Ad Network we will setup your own classifieds site, with a domain name of your choice, and you'll be able to charge for ads, run banner ads, and build a large and successful ad site.
Welcome Guest Bloggers: We talked about guest blogging on other sites and syndicating your content to other sites, but by welcoming guest bloggers, you invite professionals and experts to write for your site. If you have a website, you’ve probably already received the infamous guest - posting request, most likely from a foreign email address, so it’s important to set some guidelines of what type of quality and insight you expect in guest posts to help educate your audience.
Leads should come in the form of people that are likely to work with you. When you get leads for free, they may not be targeted. That’s okay though, you can target these people yourself, and it’s free to do if you’re willing to put some time into learning marketing. Don’t just get a logo slapped together and act like you’re an awesome company with all kinds of things you don’t really have in place. However, you can work with leads that you target by learning to make a splash in places like review websites and other places people read more about companies.