Have you ever thought about running your very own Classified Ads site? Imagine not having to worry about hosting, maintenance, backups, or any of the other hassles that comes with running a classifieds site. With the Youmongus Ad Network we will setup your own classifieds site, with a domain name of your choice, and you'll be able to charge for ads, run banner ads, and build a large and successful ad site.
It’s estimated that in under 2 years almost 90% of web traffic by volume will be video. If you have the skills, or can hire a good SEO specialist, it is possible to rank a sales video on Page 1 of Google with relative ease depending on how competitive your niche is. Put a visible call to action in the title which appears in the search engine results page, and link the YouTube video through to your web site and with luck you should have a nice flow of leads as long as your video is listed on Page 1.

Once on the page where the member's directory is located, your next step is to find the various ways names are sorted. Some sites may list the members in alphabetical order according to the name of the business. Others may list the members according to the city and state they reside in. Others may list members according to how large the company is. In many cases, you will find a drop down box where you can choose how you want the list sorted. Select how you want to sort the list and then hit enter to view your list of leads.
Make a How - To Video: As opposed to the introduction video we suggested earlier, a how - to video teaches consumers to do something for themselves that they didn’t know how to do before, while building credibility for your brand at the same time. Consider a how - to video on navigating the Medicare drug plan finder, or a video about shopping different types of burial plans and what to expect.
At SimplerLeads.com we are experts in email lead generation. The leads we provide you are exclusive to your account (Gold accounts) or shared with only 3 other members (Bronze & Silver Accounts). As a Gold member your leads are exclusive to your account only and will not be given to any other customer. With our lead generation - all leads are delivery verified immediately before being sent to your account and are extremely fresh.
Developing a website might seem difficult on the surface. You know that some website development companies cost thousands, 10’s of thousands, or even 100’s of thousands of dollars to build a site. You might also think you need to know a bunch of computer code in order to build a great site. That is nonsense. I personally know a little tiny bit of HTML and CSS, but I’m even using that less and less over time.

Unlike pay-per-click leads, organic leads are free. On major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, advertisements are strategically placed on certain page results. Usually, paid ads will appear at the top, bottom or on the right side of a search engine’s results page. However, organic search engine results are displayed on the left side of the page. Organic results are earned rankings from search engines that are quickly generated with an unknown number of complex algorithms.
Publish your content, then promote it to rank on the search engines. Rank high on the front page of Google, Yahoo or Bing and you’ll see a huge percentage of the people searching for actually visit your site. Present a nice free offer of some kind and you’ll be amazed at how easy it really can be to start raking in a steady steam of “free network marketing leads“.