Prospect the Paper: Whether it’s new homebuyers, birth announcements, obituaries, or current benefit plans offered by companies in the classifieds, the newspaper is teaming with life event changes that open people up to possibly re - evaluating their insurance options. This is another old - school way to prospect that many agents aren’t doing anymore, although new agents may be getting this info from new - school sources like social media channels.
Twitter: As with Facebook, you can search Twitter for phrases people would use if they were talking about insurance, like “Medicare plan,” “Medicare season,” “Obamacare,” or “premiums.” The idea is to catch someone griping on social media about an experience they had or a bill they received, and then come to their rescue and open a dialogue to see if they need any recommendations.
Pursue Local Passions: Volunteering your time, money, or expertise inevitably puts you in contact with others who share the same passions, which can be a reason to introduce yourself and educate someone on what you do and how you can help them. Compared to a cold contact, it’s easier to build trust and have an honest dialogue with someone when you already have the common ground of shared passions.
"We recently had a theft of some jewelry. The suspect was a family member of the victim. I typed the information into LeadsOnline and not only did I get the jewelry back, I also had amazing evidence of the pawn transaction where the jewelry was exchanged for cash. Without LeadsOnline, we would not have been able to make an arrest or get the jewelry back to the owner. Thanks LeadsOnline!"
Host Educational Workshops: This is perhaps the best way to demonstrate expertise, inspire referrals, and gain business at the same time. The best outlets for educational workshops can be senior centers, libraries, schools, hospitals, churches or job sites. Make sure you plan 2 - 3 weeks in advance so word - of - mouth can get out; you don’t want to be educating an empty room. Some places will even help promote your event, which can be a very effective lead generation idea if you can present to multiple people at once for free.
Share Apps & Calcs: Want to be considered a resource? Share calculators and apps that help consumers. For Medicare agents, this means sharing the doc finder on that tells consumers if their doctors accept assignment. Final Expense agents might share credit card calculators that show consumers how long it takes to pay off funeral expenses. The more consumers utilize these tools, the closer they are to addressing their needs by considering a new or different insurance plan from you.
Create a Media Kit: Agents wanting to beef up their public relations campaigns can dedicate a full page on their website to sharing the most pertinent background and contact info for your company, along with specific topics you can speak to, that will help journalists better utilize your expertise in stories. The Blog Maven has a great article and template for designing your own media kit, or check out ours for inspiration.
Twitter: As with Facebook, you can search Twitter for phrases people would use if they were talking about insurance, like “Medicare plan,” “Medicare season,” “Obamacare,” or “premiums.” The idea is to catch someone griping on social media about an experience they had or a bill they received, and then come to their rescue and open a dialogue to see if they need any recommendations.

Send an Email Newsletter: Sign up for a free MailChimp account and hook it up to your email newsletter widget in your WordPress website. Leverage email to communicate with clients as well as prospects who haven’t become clients yet, offering valuable insights and articles that can keep you top - of - mind when one of your subscribers has a question about insurance.
Working with your various leads should get you somewhere, or else you need to rethink your plans. If you find that engagement is still low after you try yourself to get leads that turn into paying ones, you should just buckle down and study on what you’re doing more. Anyone that wants to be successful has to alter what they are doing so that they can get more from the people they are working with. You really need to get this underway or else it’s going to end in you wasting time with leads that won’t pay off.