Start Using Pics in Tweets: Pictures say a thousand words, and those thousand words can ensnare more people’s attention and entice them to your blog faster than anything you can write within 140 characters. Pictures directly appeal to emotions, the activating catalysts in the consumer thought process, whereas words have to bypass the rational area of the brain to be processed.
Start a Facebook Group: Start a Facebook group for seniors in your area where people can share helpful resources with each other. You shouldn’t directly solicit quotes here, but if you can be persistent in finding and creating helpful content, you can create a resource hub that will eventually lead members back to your site to learn more. By using Facebook’s targeting options, you can expand your brand into the local area. Who knows—someone in the group might recognize your name when your next marketing campaign hits, and be more susceptible to take a call or meeting with you.
Don’t give up, and don’t throw money into areas where you don’t have to. There’s no such thing as completely free marketing leads – you are always risking something, whether it is your brand, or your future earning potential. However, with good networking, passion, and the right people, you can achieve success. Talk to some mentors and more experienced marketers today, and see what they have to say for you. You may be surprised at how much you can bring in, with the right choices when you are getting started.

If you’re going to sign up for any of their premium services, I personally recommend you sign up for this business building package. Basically, you are paying their experts to go out and perform market research, build a website for you, build you an email responder that will automatically email your subscribers for one year, and create the first handful of content pages. They will also help you research the best affiliate products to promote and give you access to special one-on-one coaching that is only available for their paying members. Check it out if you have the funding to get this type of jump start. Outsourcing from day 1 is ideal if you have the funds available, especially when you are outsourcing to a team of people managed by affiliate marketing millionaires.
It’s comparatively easy to make money from these affiliate programs. But it’s tough to find the Pay Per Lead (PPL) affiliate programs that work. Even if some CPA based Affiliate networks like Peerfly, Maxbounty, etc offer PPL offers, it’s hard to get approved by this affiliate networks. To make things easier, I'm going to share some such programs with you. 
"I contacted LeadsOnline in reference to a trial version of LeadsOnline Metal Theft. You all were happy to oblige and the second day of using the trial version, I was able to identify and solve two metal thefts involving a recent case. I was also able to correctly identify a suspect who was involved in a metal theft and was arrested and bonded using a false identity. The program paid for itself in its second day of use and assisted in closing three cases with a total of six arrests. Thanks LeadsOnline!"

This is in fact, not a direct lead generation tool, rather lead developing amazing software like analytics.  The tool eliminates guess works and lets you understand what users really want, care and conduct on your site revealing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior. Hotjar shows where visitors are dropping off in the conversion funnel as well as in the lead generating forms. It provides feedback to understand the behavior of the leads and so more.
New prospective users often ask me how easy it is for their affiliate to share their link. It’s “stupid simple.” Here’s how it works… When your affiliates sign up with you, they’ll automatically receive an email from you welcoming them to your affiliate program. This email will contain their unique referral link. It will also contain a “one-click” login link to their Affiliate Dashboard. The Affiliate Dashboard is where your affiliate can share their link via email and social media with a single click. For example, when they click the Facebook button, they’ll automatically be forwarded over to Facebook, with a new post pre-populated, and their affiliate link already embedded! They can add a personal note or recommendation if they’d like – or they can simply click “Post” to get the message up on their Wall immediately. This “convenience factor” is huge. Affiliates are able to share their link early and often with their friends and colleagues. It really couldn’t be any easier. The Affiliate Dashboard is also where they can grab marketing materials like banner ads for their website or blog. The banners will already have their affiliate link embedded. So, your affiliate can simply copy the HTML and paste it to their site – or they can have their web developer do this for them.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising – like Google Adwords and Facebook – are getting more expensive all the time. While we invest heavily in Google Adwords ourselves here at LeadDyno, I can tell you that our click costs are constantly creeping up. Which means that next month, I know we’ll have to pay a little bit more to get the same results. Our affiliate program, on the other hand, is always profitable… because we pay our affiliates a commission based on the sales they bring us. Until they sell something, we don’t have to pay them anything. Affiliate marketing is also more scalable than pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. While there are a fixed number of relevant keywords that we (and you) can bid on and make money, there’s basically an unlimited amount of product that you can sell with affiliate partners.
Include an Email Signature: This is mandatory! Every agent should have an email signature that includes your name, business name, fax and phone numbers, and email. Your signature is also prime real estate to include a link to your website and, if possible, an embedded video of yourself that inspires trust and displays professionalism to the leads you email.
Don’t forget the CTA: Every message should contain a call to action, a motivating message that prompts people to take action and perform a specific action. Every interaction should have a CTA, even if it’s: “wait for my holiday card” or “I look forward to talking to you next year during AEP when we can compare your options again.” Adding a CTA means you are in charge of the prospecting client relationship.

Our Telephone Interviewed Leads are not just lists, but are people who have been contacted by our call center and questioned about their sincerity in wanting to start a home business. We get all of the information, including the best time of day to contact them, so that you can just pick up the phone and find someone who is genuinely interested in making money online. Some businesses prefer contacting only women for their opportunity, which is why we have a separate section for female phone verified leads.